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5) Giving cosmic vision: Every day, Swami returns from the college to the house of Shri C B K Murthy in the evening to preach spiritual knowledge and sing devotional songs composed by Swami spontaneously. For some years, this was a daily routine programme. On one Guru Purnima day, all devotees were waiting for the arrival of Swami. Smt. Sitamma was explaining to Ajay with excitation about vision given by Swami as Lord Datta in golden colour. Ajay told her with a smile “Swami gave you the vision and didn’t give me any vision so far”. After this, Swami arrived and started preaching spiritual knowledge from the Gita about service without aspiration for fruit in return, followed by devotional songs as usual. At the end of this programme called ‘Satsang’, Swami stood from chair closing His eyes and kept silent for 5 minutes. Swami asked both Ajay and Sitamma to explain to the gathering about the vision given by Him to both simultaneously. Both told simultaneously “I saw the cosmic vision in the place of Swami before whose feet Arjuna was sitting looking Swami and behind Swami a golden chariot was existing!” Swami told both that they had seen the same vision simultaneously since Ajay was feeling that he was not blessed with the vision given to Sitamma. All devotees were astonished as usual.
Swami explained: “Some of you are thinking that the vision given by Me to a devotee may be an illusion of eye. Now, here, both these devotees have been blessed with the same vision simultaneously. Same illusion can’t take place simultaneously with two devotees. This cosmic vision shows the fundamental material, which is the inert cosmic energy that is modified in to various items of creation. I have given the same vision to Ajay, which was given to Sitamma simultaneously since Ajay said that he didn’t get the same vision visualized by Sitamma. By this, I think that Ajay is fully satisfied! Energy is Rajas which is related to God Brahma, the creator. All these visions are given by Brahma Datta (later on, when Shri C B K Murthy started writing a book called Mahima Yamuna regarding the miracles of Swami, Swami suggested that the book should be divided in to three parts called Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Laharies. Swami told that almost all the visions given by Swami must be included in Brahma Lahari).
6) Giving vision as Adiparaashakti or Divine Mother: On one day, Smt. Sarita came from Guntur to Satsang and in that time Swami was singing a devotional song on decorating the divine mother Gowri for Her marriage as bride (this song exists in ‘Bhakti Ganga’). Sarita stood like a statue by the vision given by Swami. In the place of Swami, the divine mother Gowri is sitting with all the golden jewels. The feet of the divine mother were decorated with red designs and even now Sarita says that both those feet are always appearing before her eyes! When devotees told Swami about this, Swami smiled commenting “Those are My feet decorated in My marriage!”
Swami explained: “This vision explains that there is no difference between the unimaginable God and His unimaginable power. Since both are unimaginable and since you can’t justify the existence of two unimaginable items simultaneously, you have to agree that God and power are one only. You may differentiate sun and sunlight since both are imaginable items. In the case of energetic or human incarnations, unimaginable God merges with the medium and becomes one with it. The medium is His power only modified in to creation. God getting identified with power or medium is very clear in this case. Any devotee (mixture of soul and body) is His creation or medium or His power only. When the devotee doesn’t like to become identified with God and prefers to be His servant only, God becomes servant of such devotee, which is higher than the above identity taking place in human incarnation. Both cases result by the will of God correlated with the will of devotee”.
7) Giving Proof as Lord Shri Rama: All devotees went to Mysore on 12th March (Shiva Ratri) and returned hurriedly to Vijayawada since Shri Ganapati Sachchidaananda Swamiji advised devotees to go back to their homes in view of any possible disturbances that can take place due to the programme at Ayodhya on 15th March. All of us came to know that foundation stone to construct temple for Lord Rama is on 15th March in the city Ayodhya. That day was very critical with full of tension. On that day, Swami sang several devotional songs on Lord Rama and Hanuman from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Swami told “Ayodhya means ‘no fight’. I have shot several arrows from My bow on Ayodhya through these devotional songs. At the centre of My songs, which is 3.30 pm, the foundation stone was laid. Half an hour before and after the foundation time, My arrows protected the atmosphere”. I asked Swami “How is it possible? Several astrologers have fixed the time of foundation at 2.15 pm long back.” Swami asked Sitamma about the time of foundation since she was given divine vision to observe Ayodhya. Sitamma told that the foundation took place exactly at the central time of songs. She also told that Hanuman was controlling the whole situation in Ayodhya as seen by her. Swami asked me also to tell what I saw in Ayodhya. I told that Rama was shooting arrows from sky and monkeys in crowds were wondering in that place. Swami’s words that He was shooting arrows and my vision in which Rama was shooting arrows got correlated to prove that Swami is Rama. In the evening, every one heard the news in T.V. that foundation took place at 3.30 pm due to some unavoidable circumstances!
Swami explained: “Temple and mosque and Rama and Mohammad are one and the same. Both fought for establishing peace and justice in this world. Religious splits should end. God didn’t side any religion for whom both Hinduism and Islam are one and the same. God only controlled situation to be peaceful”.
8) Giving proof as Lord Narasimha: One day Ajay was going to office and asked his wife Lakshmi to prepare jaggery-water. Lakshmi was surprised at this wish of her husband especially while going to office and didn’t prepare it. On that day, Swami was in another city (Rajahmundry) and came to Vijayawada in the evening. Ajay went to station to bring Swami to his house. Swami sat on the back seat of the bike saying that a mighty lion is sitting at his back. Throughout the way, Swami was singing spontaneous songs on Lord Narasimha (incarnation of Lion and Human being mixed). Swami told Ajay that he was a priest at Tirupati in past by name Yogananda Lakshmi Narasimhaacharya. On coming to home Swami ordered Lakshmi “prepare jaggery-water, which is always considered to be liked by Lord Narasimha”. Lakshmi prepared it remembering the same wish of Ajay expressed in the morning. That night, Ajay saw in the dream his past life as a priest in the temple at Tirupati!
Swami explained: “God exists in human incarnation and also enters a real devotee as per the Bhakti Sutra of sage Narada (Tanmayaahite…). Same Lord asked for the same drink through Me as well as My real devotee. The human incarnation and real devotee are the two addresses of God.”
9) Giving vision in Lord Venkateshwara: In those days, Swami used to wear a red sweater. Ajay and myself went to Tirupati on pilgrimage. Ajay made a firm will to do three services to the Lord. When we both entered the temple, we saw smiling Swami with red sweater in the statue, who said “You will be able to do only two services to Me”. Ajay tried his level best with hectic efforts to purchase tickets for three services to Lord. All the efforts failed and they were able to purchase only two tickets on that day to do two services only!
Swami explained: “We should always remember that man proposes and God disposes. We should leave the proposal also to God. Even if you propose, don’t stress on your proposal. Instead, you leave the proposal to the will of God as Jesus told “Let thy will be done”. Jesus also suggested a proposal to God to avoid the crucifixion, if possible, but, finally left it to God’s will only.
10) Giving vision as Lord Venkateshwara: I went to Chennai for an interview for a good job and I was selected in the interview as informed by the Board. I waited outside for the letter of appointment on the instruction of the selection committee. Then, Lord Venkateshwara appeared and told that He is giving that job to me. Immediately I replied in unexpected manner “I don’t want this job. I like to stay in Vijayawada to serve You appearing as Swami in the spiritual programme”. Lord smiled saying “Yes. Your route is totally different” and disappeared. Immediately, a person came out and told me that I can go since I was not selected! The time of this scene was exactly 12 noon. On the same day, at the same time, Swami was in the shrine of Datta and devotees were visiting Swami. My parents also visited and presented a new sweater to Swami. Swami refused it with a smile saying “your son, just now, refused a very good job offered by Me at Chennai. How can I take this good new sweater from you as bribe?” The parents were astonished at this and forced Swami to accept that sweater given to Him without any aspiration for fruit in return. Swami accepted it. I returned to Vijayawada and explained everything to my parents and other devotees. Is this proof not sufficient to establish that Swami is Lord Venkateshwara?
Swami explained: “Some devotees are born here just for the single purpose to serve God in human form during His programme. They are very firm in their work and goal and no force can distort them. For such devotees God alone is the total goal and all these worldly attractions are just dry grass lets only.”
11) Giving visions as different forms of God: Swami gave several visions of different forms of God to Sitamma and myself on several occasions. Swami used to ask both of us to say about our visions to other devotees instead of telling directly to devotees. Once, Lakshmi (wife of Ajay) was seriously ill and Ajay approached Swami. Swami asked Sitamma to tell what she is seeing at that time. She told that she saw God Brahma saying “See what I will do now”. From that time onwards, the illness of Lakshmi got reduced and disappeared in very short period. One day, Sitamma saw a Shiva Lingam worshipped by sages and Swami existing in it. After I saw the Atma Lingam in the night, next day Sitamma visited Swami. Swami asked her “will you also see Atma Lingam seen by Phani?” and showed the same to her. On one Vaikuntha Ekaadashi day, in the early morning devotees prostrated to Swami from north side (the usual custom of that holy day). Sitamma saw Lord Narayana in the place of Swami. Sitamma saw Swami on different occasions as Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Maha Lakshmi, Goddess Durga, Adi Shankaraacharya, Shri Narasimha Saraswati, Shri Akkalkot Maharaj and Shri Sai Baba. I saw Swami as Rama, Ganapati, Hanuman, Venkateshwara and Krishna on several occasions. One day I saw Swami as Lord Shiva and that vision was so strong that I was seeing everything in the world as Lord Shiva only. By this I was unable to do any work and hence, I surrendered to Swami. Swami sang a devotional song on the dance of Shiva (present in Bhakti Ganga) and I was relieved from that problem. One day, Swami sang a devotional song ‘shall I climb seven hills?’ and asked me to look at the statue of Venkateshwara nearby present. When I saw it, Lord Venkateshwara appeared wiping His emotional tears with His hand! When I and Ajay went to Tirupati and sang the devotional song ‘shall I climb seven hills?’, the statue of Lord Venkateshwara appeared continuously radiating light!
Swami explained: “Divine visions are given by God to devotees to help their spiritual effort to reach God. These visions are not illusions of eyes. You should not bind both horse and donkey to the same stand! The magic-illusions exhibited are totally different due to certain tricks and pre-arrangements on the stage. For everything, both sides exist, which are truth and falsehood. You should differentiate both and should not mistake one for the other. Of course, certain devilish people project the magic as a genuine miracle to establish themselves as divine personalities to exploit innocent people and such false fellows should be identified by sharp scientific analysis and should be discarded. Atheists perform magic and say that even a genuine miracle is a magic. The product of magic and miracle may be the same, but should be differentiated in the process of its generation. You can produce a material by magic and same material can be also produced by miracle. Final product is one and the same. But, in miracle, the production is from space and in magic the production is from hidden reacting materials to produce the same product. You must apply sharp scientific analysis to disprove a miracle by magic. We welcome it for your effort so that false people can be filtered. But, if the sharp analysis proves it to be a genuine miracle, the open minded scientist accepts it. The rigid conservative scientist called as atheist is firm in not accepting the genuine miracle. Science is good and perfect as far as the imaginable areas in which science is applicable are concerned. In these areas, you should not refuse and mock science as a conservative blind traditionalist. But, there is an unimaginable area in which science is not applicable and you should not mock at such miraculous area by forcing science in to it declaring science as omniscient and omnipotent. The theist and scientist should recognize their boundaries and respect each other in their concerned areas.”
12) Giving vision to me in Mumbai: I was in Mumbai and got a vision of Swami walking on earth with a bag hanging from His shoulder. In the sky, angles and sages were seen talking “who is this fellow with bag hanging from shoulder, changing the natural rules of creation? Yes. He is Datta, who descended to earth for the propagation of spiritual knowledge and devotion after covering Himself with very dense illusion.” On the same day, at the same time, Swami was singing a new song composed by Him spontaneously (present in Bhakti Ganga), which means “be angel or sage, who can recognize Dattatreya?” Later on, when I came to Vijayawada, the coincidence of the day and time of my vision and Swami’s song revealed the basic truth.
Swami explained: “Even angels and sages are not exception to illusion created by God. Even a human being can cross the illusion by full faith and perfect devotion. Human beings neglect the human form of God by mutual repulsion between common media, but, worship energetic forms of God with full faith. Such full faith is so much that even an energetic form of a soul may be mistaken as God. People in cotton shirts (human beings) neglect even collector in the same cotton shirt (human form of God) and respect even a peon in silk shirt (a soul in energetic body)! People in silk shirt (angels) certainly neglect even collector in cotton shirt (human form of God) because they neglect even collector in silk shirt (energetic form of God) due to repulsion between common media! Unless ego and jealousy are defeated none can recognize God in any medium.
(To be continued...)