Every soul has equal opportunity to become God in the post of Human Incarnation. This does not mean that every soul will become the Human Incarnation in one generation itself. This also does not mean that every soul is already God, whether the soul deserves or not. But Shankara being God, wishes that every soul should become God as early as possible. This shows the climax of eternal love of God on the souls. The immediate future can be mentioned in the present tense, which indicates that the soul should become God as early as possible. Shankara being God, having climax of affection on the souls created by Him only, wished every soul to become God as early as possible. In this sense, Shankara told that every soul is God. This does not literally mean that every soul is already God. This means that Shankara wishes that every soul should become God as early as possible due to the climax of His paternal affection on the souls. Gita says that God is the father of the souls (Ahambijapradah pitaa…).
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