Arjuna was ready to fight against Kauravaas to get his share of kingdom for the sake of enjoyment of himself and his family members. The issue is completely self-centered, though it is not bad. For selfish benefit Arjuna is taking the help of God and this is the normal stage of devotion of all the humanity. Normally, every human being approaches God only for receiving benefit from Him to solve his personal problems. Arjuna overcame this selfish stage and was prepared to sacrifice the selfish war. This is the first stage. After hearing Gita, Arjuna understood that the war is not for mere fulfillment of selfishness of Pandavas, but it is for the sake of establishment of justice and destruction of evil forces in the society. Arjuna realized that the war was not for mere accomplishment of their selfish enjoyment of kingdom, but it is for the establishment of justice on this earth. Thus, the war was the work of God and to participate in the war is to do service in the mission of God. Then, he participated in the war and whether Krishna is God or man, the result of good service to the society overcoming selfish circle is sure for Arjuna. Hence, participation of Arjuna in the war does not prove the faith of Arjuna in the contemporary human incarnation in anyway. As expected, Arjuna reached heaven for this good deed and thus the risk in believing Krishna as God is avoided. Arjuna was not having full faith in Krishna as God and his participation in the war was partly for self-enjoyment, for revenge towards enemies and for establishment of justice on the earth, which gives heaven. This is the second stage in which the soul crosses the selfish limited circle of itself and its family for the sake of the welfare of the society and such a good deed gives temporary heaven. In the third stage, if we come to Ramayana, Hanuman served Rama indirectly by serving His family members like Lakshmana and Sita. In fact, Rama asked Ravana to return back Sita so that He will go back without killing Ravana. This means, if Sita is returned, Rama will not kill Ravana and thus the welfare of the society is sacrificed for the sake of selfish work of Rama. Hanuman was a higher devotee and His faith in Rama was full and hence Hanuman did not object to this proposal of Rama even in His mind. Hanuman knows that Rama being God is well aware of the welfare of society, which is His work only. Hanuman is aware that such a drama of Rama was only to test His faith in Rama. Thus, service to the family of the contemporary human incarnation involves higher degree of faith and for such faith, Hanuman went to eternal Brahma Loka, which is above the heaven. In fact, Sita and Lakshmana are the liberated souls and this means, service to devotees of God is more important than service to the society. But in this third stage also, there is a possibility of good work because serving Sita and Lakshmana, who are effected by evil force, is also a good work. Thus, serving these two souls is also social service because these two souls are also part and parcel of the society. Hence, service to Sita and Lakshmana is also a good work to give heaven, even though Rama may not be God. The risk in the faith of contemporary human incarnation is not much even in this stage. The fourth stage is Gopikas giving butter to Krishna. Here the possibility of good work is almost nil and such possibility is risky because one cannot be sure of deservingness of mischievous Krishna for the donation of butter. Krishna is rich and is having lot of butter in His house. Donation to a poor man is good work but donation to a rich man is not a good work. But here also there is a little possibility of good work because donation to a deserving rich man is also a good work and donation to a sinful poor man is also a sin. But the deservingness of mischievous and rich Krishna is doubtful and hence the risk is much in the possibility of doing good work. Up to this stage, whether the contemporary human incarnation is God or not, there is possibility of getting good result like heaven for doing good work. But, in the fifth stage, certain Gopikas committed sin by dancing with Krishna in the night without the knowledge of their husbands. In this work, certainly there is no possibility of any good work and there is lot of risk also, because if Krishna is not God, the hell is dam sure for such sinful activity. This involves hundred percent risk and unless the faith is absolutely complete, such service cannot be done. Hence, the Gopikas involved in such sinful dance, which is based on absolute faith only, were given Goloka, the highest abode, which is above the Brahma Loka. Krishna says that to prove the total faith in the contemporary human incarnation, even the justice is to be totally sacrificed, which involves hundred percent risk (Sarvadharmaan…The Gita). Thus, gradually you can see the increase of intensity of faith in the contemporary human incarnation from Mahabharata to Ramayana to Bhagavata.
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