In atoms, a lot of empty space exists as per science. In fact, solid matter consisting of packed atoms is mostly vacuum and hence the experience of the solid state of matter should be the experience of vacuum alone. But our experience of the solid state is quite different. When you put your finger on a solid, the finger should penetrate in to the solid since there is mostly vacuum existing in the closely packed atoms. But the finger does not penetrate into the solid, which is quite the opposite experience. The reason for the non-penetration of the finger is not due to the absence of vacuum in the atoms. The subatomic particles revolving rapidly in the atoms create a resistance-force, which does not allow the finger to penetrate in to the vacuum. Due to this an illusion is created for the observer, and the observer thinks that there is no vacuum at all in the solid. Hence, the solid state of matter is the effect of the work of this resistance alone. Now from this we can conclude that even matter is a form of work like awareness. In that case, similar to awareness, even matter, should not be an entity or a working element. All this is the argument of the opposition [1] to establish that awareness is also an entity like matter or to establish matter also is work or a non-entity like awareness.
The answer for this opposing argument is given like this: Solid matter is a form of the work of force or inert energy just as awareness is the work of inert energy. But the result of the illusion created by such work ends in experiencing matter as an entity. Such experience of an entity is not the result in the case of awareness, even though awareness is also a form of work like solid matter. Due to the difference between the final experience of awareness and solid matter, you cannot treat awareness as an entity like solid matter. Hence, the opposition is negated.
[1] The opposition refers to the opposing philosophers whose philosophies are centered around the concept that awareness or consciousness is divine.
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