04 Feb 2005
[“Brahma Vit Brahma…” means that He who knows Brahman becomes Brahman. But you say that the meaning of this is that Brahman alone knows Brahman. How is it?]
Swami replied:- People have given your interpretation, which I know very well. But I give this interpretation because the Gita says “Mamtu Veda Nakaschana” which means that no body knows Brahman. Your meaning will contradict the Gita. If you say that if one knows Brahman, He becomes Brahman, then there are two stages. In the first stage a person knows Brahman. In the second stage the person becomes Brahman. But the Gita contradicts the first stage because no person can exist as a person while knowing the Brahman. Moreover the Veda says that Brahman is beyond words, mind, intelligence and logic. The Veda also says that if one knows that he cannot know Brahman, then he knows at least something about Brahman (Yasyamatam Tasya matam). Therefore My interpretation is in line with the Gita and also with the other Vedic Mantras.