01 Aug 2007
[Question by Dr. Sheshadri Thiruvenkadam (Balaji).]
Swami rerplied: Any soul is suitable for that type of service to God, in which it is spontaneously talented. You should serve God in any way you like spontaneously, without any force or fear or ambition for any fruit in return. God is pleased only with such spontaneous service and the fruit of your service is always in the same phase as your service (Ye yathamam… Gita). If your spontaneous service is theoretical, the fruit is also theoretical. If you praise God, God will also praise you in return. He will grant you a good voice and good language. If you show theoretical devotion through good emotions, He will grant you a good mind. If you serve Him through knowledge, He will grant you good intelligence. If you serve Him practically, He will help you practically. If you do practical service with aspiration for some fruit in return, He will grant you practical fruit, which is temporary, like heaven. If you do practical service without aspiring for any fruit in return, like Hanuman, you will be granted the eternal practical fruit.