Shri Datta Swami

 07 Feb 2005


If sacrifice of money is all important then would it not mean that only the rich can 'purchase' God?

Swami replied:- A rich man can never purchase the Lord. The Lord sees the percentage of the money he sacrifices out of his total wealth. A person having 10 million rupees may sacrifice 1 million. He has sacrificed only ten percent of his money. But a poor fellow having 10 rupees sacrificed 5 rupees, which equals 50 per cent. The poor man is greater than that rich man. For any person to sacrifice 5 rupees is easier than to sacrifice a million. Therefore the poor man can easily purchase the God than the rich man. The importance of sacrifice of money is stressed by the Veda (Dhanena Tyagena). The first mantra of the first Upanishad says that the entire world is the money of the Lord and one has to return the extra stored money to the Lord. The second mantra says that you should constantly work and earn money. You can keep the minimum required and sacrifice the extra stored money to the Lord. You should not be lazy without doing work after earning the minimum required money. Thus the Veda encourages constant work to earn money and discourages only the storing of the extra earned money.
