Shri Datta Swami

 04 Feb 2005


If there is no proof for the existence of hell, heaven and the world of God, why should we waste our lifetime in these things?

Swami replied:- This universe is infinite. I am unable to show the existence of these super worlds to you. I accept my incapability. But you are also incapable of directly proving to Me, the non-existence of these super worlds. Have you gone all over the universe and said, “Here ends the universe. Beyond this point there is no universe. This is the compound wall of the space. Your super world does not exist anywhere”. Therefore, there is equal chance for the existence and non-existence of the super worlds according to the theory of probability.

Now let us analyse both our cases. Both of us eat to live. The basic needs are satisfied in the cases of both of us. You have spent even your extra time in earning more money, which may give you some health problems like high blood sugar, blood pressure, etc., due to over-enjoyment. I have not earned that extra money and I am healthy due to normal food. None of us will carry the money that we earn here, with us after death. The money given to the children may also be lost in several ways. Therefore, I do not find much difference between us, once the basic needs are satisfied. I am poor because I have spent My extra time in the service of God.

Suppose after My death, you are correct and there are no super worlds. In that case, what have I lost? There is no loss for me. But after your death, suppose I am correct and there are these super worlds. You have lost everything and God will not save you then. Thus, even on accepting your argument, based on the equal probability [of existence and non-existence of the super worlds], it is better to serve the Lord by sacrificing the extra time and energy for the Lord after earning the basic needs. You must read the theory of probability, which is perfectly a scientific theory.
