Shri Datta Swami

 24 May 2009


If You are God incarnate, why don't You go to Pakistan and preach Hindu-Muslim unity to them?

[A question posed to Swami by a Christian.] 

Swami rerplied: Jesus was Human Incarnation. He preached the spiritual knowledge in Jerusalem and some people followed it whereas some people became angry and crucified Him. Still, He preached them because there was no other way since electronic media were not developed in those days. Today, the facility is granted to the humanity by the grace of God. I can send My preaching to every country through internet medium. Some will accept and some will not accept. But since I am not present before their eyes, they will not crucify Me. After sometime, the entire Jerusalem was convinced with the preaching of Jesus and today if Jesus comes again to Jerusalem, He will be honored by all the people. Similarly, a day will come when all this spiritual knowledge gets appreciated by all humanity. Then, certainly I will come again in Human Form to receive the appreciation. Today, do you want Me to go to the other country and get crucified instead of using the facility of the electronic media given by God? If I do so, I must be a foolish human being and not even a wise human being, not to speak of a Human Incarnation!
