10 Jan 2016
[Shri. Anil asked: In bible it is said that poor in heart will see God. Some preachers interpret that poor people are favoured by God. Kindly enlighten us with the right meaning of this verse.]
Swami Replied: 'Poor in heart will see God'. This statement can be interpreted in different ways, if they are acceptable to the spiritual concepts: 1) Poor in heart – will see God means that the devotees, who are poor in having sufficient love to God may also get opportunity to see God as human incarnation along with real devotees. The vision without getting grace of God has no value. Grace of God without vision also has value. Ravana saw Lord Shiva but could not get the grace of the Lord. Rama did not see Lord Shiva, but got the grace of the Lord due to His truth and justice in practical life. 2) Poor – in heart will see God. A poor man may be an excellent devotee and is unable to see God in human form existing far far from his place. But, due to his excess of love to God, he will see the Lord in his heart itself, which is the most sacred abode of love. Both these interpretations are acceptable. The interpretation referred by you is also acceptable. There may be a poor man with high devotion towards the human form of God surrounded by its critics like Jesus surrounded by the soldiers near the place of crucifixion. The poor man with least strength finds Jesus as God in his heart only and does not express his devotion in words since he is afraid of the strong soldiers. In fact, a sincere devotee expressed thrice in his words that he does not know Jesus in the time of crucifixion. But, in his heart he cried for Jesus with extreme love realising Him as God. Any statement in the scripture refers to a specific context. If the context is detected, the interpretation will be natural and beautiful. Otherwise, other interpretations also are good, but there may be some reduction of the naturality. However, any interpretation that does not contradict the spiritual concepts is acceptable and useful in one's own spiritual effort.