05 Feb 2005
[You say that it means that the statue in a temple should be seen. But the Veda says “Atma Drastavyah” which means that the soul should be known.]
Swami replied:- Drastavyah means that something should be seen. Of course according to the context, in the Veda, Drastavyah also can be taken in the sense of knowing something because Sanskrit grammar allows it (Gatyarthanam… Jnanartha Katvat). This does not mean that the original meaning of Drastavyah cannot be taken. Here the meaning of the word ‘Atma’ can be taken as the body also as per Amarakosa. Therefore you cannot contradict My interpretation of the original text. Shankara gives the meaning, which you say. I am not opposing that meaning. But My interpretation is also not against the Shastras and so can be taken. Therefore the statue should be seen and then the priest should explain the divine qualities. The devotee must think and then must be intoxicated by the devotion. This meaning also can be taken in the context of the temples.