Shri Datta Swami

 06 Feb 2005


What is the difference between Rama and Krishna?

Swami replied:- Rama followed Dharma [justice] and was number one in that. Due to this, Dharma [the Lord of Justice] thought that it is greater than the Lord. Therefore the Lord in the form of Lord Krishna broke Dharma severely [Lord Krishna violated the rules of worldly justice to prove that He is beyond worldy justice and that the Lord of Justice is only His servant]. Dharma realized his mistake and followed Lord Datta as a cow [followed submissively]. In the Gita, Lord Krishna said “Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya” which means that the Lord is greater than Dharma. As Rama, the Lord practiced the spiritual path keeping silent and controlling His mind. He indicated Yoga, in which the energy wasted through words and feelings can be preserved, and directed and concentrated in action (service).

Krishna indicated the other path. He played songs on His flute and preached through words (Gita). He showed a lot of love in the form of feelings in Brindavanam. He indicated that if energy is wasted through words and feelings, one cannot do any action. Therefore He did not participate in the war and took the help of Arjuna to do the divine work of destroying evil people. But at the same time He destroyed all the enemies by His advice (mind and words). This aspect is confined only to the Lord and not for the ordinary souls. For ordinary soul, Yoga is the path in which all the energy wasted by words and feelings should be controlled and directed in work alone as done by Hanuman.
