07 Feb 2005
[A devotee after seeing Your website, mistook You to be an astrologer and sent her date of birth etc., wanting to know about her future. She does not know that You are the Paripurna Avatara of Lord Datta.]
Swami replied:- You have developed a rock-solid faith on Me that I am the human incarnation of the Lord. If your faith, which must have been based on very sharp spiritual analysis, is correct, I cannot deny your faith for one reason, that there is a possibility of the Lord to become a preacher. Lord Datta is considered to be the real preacher (Guru). When Lord Krishna preached the Gita, He happened to be the Lord also. He was the guide as well as the goal. In fact, thinking that Arjuna may slip in the analysis of identifying the human incarnation, Krishna declared Himself as the Lord. He not only gave the procedure, but also gave the result of the practical analysis to Arjuna, due to His over-compassion. Therefore, you are shocked to see a soul approaching Me as an astrologer. If I am Lord Datta, is it difficult for Me to become an astrologer? In fact astrologers pray to Lord Datta to be blessed with correct prediction. Suppose a professor has a son, who is studying L.K.G (lower kindergarten). Is there any difficulty for the professor to become a L.K.G. teacher to his son? The actual L.K.G. teacher is not fit even to teach U.K.G (upper kindergarten) because of the limitations of his knowledge. When somebody approaches to know his or her future from astrology, we should welcome and exploit that weakness to uplift that soul.
We will introduce the concept of God through astrology and slowly assist the soul in climbing the higher steps. We will predict the future and say that one has to worship God to overcome the future problems. This is the nature of the professor acting as L.K G. teacher. But if you take the actual L.K.G., teacher, he will try to exploit the same weakness for his personal benefit in terms of fees. We must not find fault even with such a L.K.G. teacher, because the belief in the planets is a belief in a super natural power. Therefore, that soul is at least not an atheist and believes the super natural power. The soul has climbed the first step and is not on the floor. The floor is atheism. The next step shall be to introduce the Possessor of the super natural power i.e., God. Thus, we must excuse the angle of selfishness of the astrologer. We have to condemn only the floor level, which is atheism. The astrological planets are only the super natural executive forces of the Lord. After the judgement from the Lord, they execute the results. When the power is accepted, it is easy to accept the possessor of the power. Therefore, send Me the date of birth and time of the person, who approached you through email. I shall predict her future as an astrologer only. I behave according to the angle of the soul that approaches Me. I will not introduce the other angle of Myself to that soul.
I always behave as Lord Dattatreya for you, according to your angle. Even in your angle there are three sub-divisions. The first sub-angle is Advaita of Shankara. In this the human body and the Lord become one and the same like the electric current and the wire. The second sub-angle is ‘Visishtaadvaita’ of Ramanuja. In this the Lord stays in the human body of a devotee as a guest. The Lord becomes the major component and the devotee becomes a minor component. The third sub-angle is ‘Dvaita’ of Madhva. In this the super power of the Lord enters the devotee. The Lord has been coming as a single ‘Paripurna Avatara’ in every generation as the topmost Professor. Very few students are available at that level and therefore, one Professor is sufficient. As we come down to the lower levels, the number of students goes on increasing. Thus there is a requirement of several teachers at the lower levels. Such teachers are the devotees of the Lord, who are charged with the power of the Lord and have come down. They are called as incarnations of Kala, Amsha etc.
The single professor cannot go and teach the various sections present at various lower levels. Even in the Paripurna Avatara, the human body follows all the natural rules. The Professor cannot simultaneously preach large number of classes present in the lower levels. But now, this problem is solved. The internet system is developed. This system follows the natural laws. Through this system, the Professor can preach to all the classes present in various levels, existing in the entire world. Therefore, the present situation is unique in the sense that it has never happened so far. Through the internet system, the single Professor will send various rays of knowledge simultaneously, to suit various levels. Soon, this centre will become the single spiritual centre for all spiritual levels and you may not believe this as of today. Please don’t mistake Me thinking that I am boasting. If you get such a feeling, please change your Advaita sub-angle and come to the other two sub-angles. The Lord present in My body is giving this statement and I am only sub-ordinate to Him. If you still disbelieve the existence of the Lord in My body, please switch to the third sub-angle. I am only the servant and messenger of the Lord, who has brought this message from the Lord to this earth. Whatever may be your sub-angle, your inner consciousness will speak that only the Lord can emit such crystal clear and wonderful special divine knowledge, which you are studying through all these questions and answers.