11 Feb 2005
Swami replied:- I want to bring world peace by bringing brotherhood among the religions. Unless this is brought, brotherhood among the followers of various religions will not come. Religion is only the external plastic cover. Spirituality is the same material packed in the different religions. Whatever may be the color of the external plastic covering [insulation], the internal metallic wire and electric current are one and the same in all the wires. Whatever may be the color of the plastic covering, every wire will rotate the fan since the same current is passing in all the wires. For the sake of money, one man quarrels with another man without recognizing the same soul that is present in all human beings. Similarly one country is fighting with another country due to the differences in the religions without recognizing the same spiritual current that exists in all the religions. If you want to convey the greatness of spirituality present in your religion, you must expose the common points between your religion and the other religion. Then the person of other religion will become your friend. After that you can expose the greatness of spirituality in your religion. Then he will understand and appreciate your religion. But if you deeply analyze, the same spirituality to the same depth is present in all the religions. The Lord is only one and He came to different countries and taught the same syllabus in different languages. Religion is only the external culture of dress, food habbits, language etc.; Spirituality is the subject related to the one God who created this entire universe.