Shri Datta Swami

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॥श्री दत्तगणपतिं भजे॥


श्री दत्त गणपतिं भजे उन्मत्त नटन ताण्डवम्‌। मत्तेभवदन भासुरं चित्ताब्ज बोध भास्करम्‌॥१॥

I pray Śrī Datta Gaṇapati, who is very mad of dancing, He shines with elephant-face, who is sun of mind-lotus.


आयत्त योगराजितं वित्तेश नित्य पूजितम्‌। उत्तानपाणि मुद्रितं श्री कृत्तिवाससः सुतम्‌॥२॥

He is successful in Yoga, who is prayed by the deity of wealth, He blesses with opened hand, who is son of Kruttivāsa-Śiva.


कैलासदृषदि नर्तनं भक्तान्तरङ्गवर्तनम्‌। पापौघ पाशकर्तनं श्री पार्वतीसुतं भजे॥३॥

He dances on stones of Kailāsa, who stays in devoted hearts, He cuts huge ropes of sins, who is the son of Goddess Pārvatī.


लम्बोदराङ्ग ताण्डवं मुद्राकराब्ज पण्डितम्‌। सर्वाङ्ग नाग मण्डनं वन्दे विनायकं पतिम्‌॥४॥

His stomach shakes in dance, who knows all the modes of hands, He is decorated with snakes on body, who is called as Vināyaka.


धिन्धिंमि तकिट मर्दलं भंभं निनाद शङ्खकम्‌। आनन्द नृत्यतत्परं ध्यायामि प्रमथनायकम्‌॥५॥

He rules all the Pramatha devotees, who dances immersed in His bliss, while drums sound ‘Dhim Dhimmi Takiṭa’, conches sound ‘Bham Bham’.


आमोदकर मोदकं वेदान्तमति मादकम्‌। दुष्कर्म फल सादकं विघ्नेश्वरं गुरुं भजे॥६॥

He is fond of eating ‘modakas’, who is full of the spiritual knowledge, He destroys fruits of all sins, who controls hurdles through preaching.


सृष्टि स्थिति लय कारणं मूषाख्य दैत्य मारणम्‌। संसार जलधि तारणं स्तौमि प्रभु नरवारणम्‌॥७॥

He is creator, ruler and destroyer of the world, who killed Mūṣika demon, He is the boat in this worldly sea, who is mixture of elephant and man.


पञ्चास्यमादि दैवतं देवर्षिभिः समर्चितम्‌। आलोक गलित सञ्चितं विघ्नाधिनाथमाश्रये॥८॥

He is first God with five faces, who is worshipped by sages and angels, He removes all the past by one look, who is the deity of all obstructions.


लोकैक परम वैभवं लोकेश्वरादि सम्भवम्‌। आलोक परिहृतोद्भवं आलोकये परम्भवम्‌॥९॥

He is the richest in this entire cosmos, who is first son of king of world, He can avoid worldly bonded birth, who looks like another God Śiva.




श्री कृष्ण कवि निवेदितैः श्लोकाख्य मोदकैरिमैः। आनन्द गणपतिं पतिं आराधयन्तु साधकाः॥१०॥


śrī kṛṣṇa kavi niveditaiḥ ślokākhya modakairimaiḥ|

ānanda gaṇapatiṃ patiṃ ārādhayantu sādhakāḥ ।।10।।


Let the spiritual aspirants pray blissful Gaṇapati, the Lord of all Lords, by offering Him these verse-modakas composed by the poet Kṛṣṇa.


॥श्री दत्त गणपतिं भजे। श्री दत्त गणपतिं भजे। श्री दत्त गणपतिं भजे॥

।।śrī datta gaṇapatiṃ bhaje । śrī datta gaṇapatiṃ bhaje । śrī datta gaṇapatiṃ bhaje।।
