Divine Words by Swami
The scriptures and satsangs are instrumental for attaining Jnaana yoga and in the similar way, divine songs (bhajans) are instrumental for attaining devotion or bhakti yoga. Narada, who wrote the bhakti sutras and who always chants these bhajans is worshiped by the Devaasuras. Even Asuras, who are wicked, are affected by these bhajans. Narada said that devotion is indescribable. In the bhakti sutras "Jaravachcha" and "Yadhaavrajagopikanam", he says that devotion is equivalent to the attraction of a person towards a prostitute and mentions Gopikas as an example to the devotees. In the sutra "Tanmayahite", he said that the Lord charges the devotee and becomes one with the devotee and behaves as if He is same as the devotee and the devotee is same as God. The life of a devotee that does not immerse even once in the devotion Koneru Ganga, crossing all the family bonds (six hills) and reaching a state having bond with God alone (seventh hill) is waste. Immerse yourself at least once with divine songs in the Bhakti Ganga like “shall I dip once in the lake of Your divine sweet love? O Lord Venkatesha! O Lord of my life!”
3. Shri Saraswati Bhajan - Bhaja Re Vīṇāpāṇim
5. Namo Nārasiṃha vidhūtāsmadaṃha
6. saṅkaṭamocana hanumat stuti
7. Śrī Rāma Kīrtanam - bhaja bhaja bhāskara
8. Krishna Kirtan (ṛṣivarāṇāṁ)
11. Shri Manikantha Bhajan - Bhaja Bhaja Re
14. Diipaavali - Jnana Diipaavali
15. Atrijaṃ Śaṅkaraṃ Brahmanārāyaṇam
17. Śrī datto'haṁ gurudatto'haṁ
19. Śrī Narasiṃha Sarasvatī Stotram
20. Śrī Datta Satyaśāyi Śaraṇāṣṭakam