Shri Datta Swami

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Śrī datto'haṁ gurudatto'haṁ

(Sung by Smt. Devi)


śrī datto'haṁ gurudatto'haṁ prabhudatto'haṁ śṛṇu re jīva। (Chorus)

I am Śrī Datta, I am Guru Datta, I am Prabhu Datta, O soul! Realize!


nānā mārgān gurūnvilokya bhramavikaṭa-dhiyaḥ śiṣya-bhramarān ।
avatīrṇo'haṁ veṇorgānaṁ, śruti siddhāntaṁ racayāmīha ।।

On seeing several preachers with their own peculiar ways,
And also their bee-like followers confused with false concepts;
I have come down to present the basic essence of the Veda,
Which was the recent song of Lord Kṛṣṇa, which He played on His flute.


goparipālo gopālo'haṁ dharmo gauriya-manusaratīha ।
sarve guravo'pyākṛṣṭāḥ syuḥ, iti kṛṣṇo'haṁ mūrtirdattaḥ ।।

I am the cowherd (Kṛṣṇa), the protector of cows. Hence, the deity of justice always follows Me in the form of the sacred cow seen behind Me. I am Datta at the basic level and I am also called Kṛṣṇa Since I draw all these preachers to Me by My sweet song played on the flute. (Karṣati iti Kṛṣṇaḥ – the word Kṛṣṇa means He who draws or attracts everyone towards Himself.)


catvāro me vedāḥ śiṣyāḥ sāma veda iha padmā-khyātā ।
ṛgvedo'yaṁ bālaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ, yajurajayo'yaṁ bhaimasturyaḥ ।।

I have initially collected the four Vedas which are seen as four dogs around Me. They represent unshakable faith in Me and they serve Me without the aspiration for any fruit in return. The Sāma Veda is the singer called Padmā. Ṛg Veda is this old Balakrishna. Yajur Veda is Ajay. The fourth Veda (Atharvaṇa Veda) is the debating Phani (son of Bhima).

(Ṛg Veda is the first and oldest Veda and is represented by the old Balakrishna. Yajur Veda deals with karma or the action of sacrifice, which is called yajña. It is represented by Ajay, who always did a lot of hectic work and stood as an embodiment of sacrifice. Sāma Veda is in the form of songs and is represented by the singer Padma. The Atharvaṇa Veda includes the Dhanur Veda and it deals with divine weapons used in wars. It is represented by Phani, the son of Bhimashankaram, who always vehemently argues with anybody criticizing Swami. Thus, Swami explains about His initial four devotees.)


śaṅkaro'hamapi rāmānuja iti, madhvācāryaḥ triguruḥ pūrvam ।
śaṅkara-viṣṇu-brahmā-trimūrtiḥ, avatīrṇo'haṁ mūḍhaḥ kalahaḥ ।।

I was that Śaṅkara, that Rāmanuja and that Madhva. All three were My divine Human Incarnations that resulted by the merging of My three energetic forms—and Śiva, Viṣṇu and Brahmā with three human forms respectively. Only one philosophy was given by all three. Only fools quarrel about the apparent differences between the teachings of the three.
