Shri Datta Swami

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॥सङ्कटमोचन हनुमत् स्तुति॥


सागर-लङ्घन -सङ्कुल-वानर-कुलमवलोक्य निजस्तुति-लोलम्

जलधर-चुम्बि -महाकृतिरेक-पदक्रम-लङ्घित-जलनिधिरेवम् ।

रघुपतिमानन्दयसि च सीता -कुशल-निवेदन-हृतघन-शोकम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥१॥

Seeing crowds of monkeys, who had no hope of crossing the sea, praying to You, You grew up into a huge form touching the clouds and crossed the sea in a single leap, You made Rama happy by bringing the news of seeing Sita and removed His deep sorrow. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


अहिकुल-बन्धन-मोहित दाशरथिद्वयमालोक्य मनो विकलम्

खगपतिमानयसि स्म विकुण्ठा -पुरगतमस्त्रविमोचन -दक्षम्

पुनरायोधन-बलिनं वहसि च भुजयुगरूढं सोदरयुग्मम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥२॥

Seeing Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa lying unconscious during the war, bound by the snake-weapon, You went to Vaikuṇṭha and brought down Garuḍa to release them from the snake-weapon. You returned to the battlefield in great strength carrying both brothers on Your shoulders. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


मूर्छित-लक्ष्मण -बोध-समर्थ-महौषधि-सञ्जीविलतां  नेतुम्

उत्पतसि क्षणमद्रिमुपानयसि स्म करेण तमिव सुमगुच्छम्

उत्तिथ -लक्ष्मण -करयुग-वन्दनमालिङ्गसि विहसंश्च सरागम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥३॥

When Lakṣmaṇa fell unconscious, You flew to Mount Droṇa to get the life-saving sañjīvī herb. You lifted the whole hill in an instant and brought it (to Lanka) like a flower bouquet in Your hand for the patient. Lakṣmaṇa rose and saluted to You, as You embraced him laughingly with a lot of love. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


शतमुख-रावण-हृतरघुनायकमम्बाबलिपशुमुपगत -मोहम्

पुनरानयसि च तमसुरमपगतजीवं विधाय पातालेशम्

राघव-शरमूर्ध्वमुखं कृत्वा नम्रं हरसि च युधि दशकण्ठम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥४॥

The hundred-headed Rāvaṇa (Ahirāvaṇa) captured Rāma and took him to Pātala, to sacrifice him to Goddess Kāli. You went down to the Pātāla world, killed the demon, and brought back Rāma. You deflected the arrow of Rāma making it hit the stomach of Rāvaṇa, killing him. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


शृङ्खलया नियत शनैश्चरमपि मोचयसि स्माऽशु च सहसा तम्

को मे सङ्कट इह हनुमन्गुरु सोदर मामव दयया दीनम्

कथमपि योग्यो नाऽहमकारण-करुणैव तव हि कारणमेकम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥५॥

When You even liberated Saturn (Śani) from the bondage of Rāvaṇa and made him happy, What is my petty issue for You? O my older Brother and Preacher, I certainly don’t deserve Your grace. The only cause for it is Your causeless kindness! Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.



वैष्णवतिलकं भविष्यजगतां धातारन्त्वां नमामि देवम्

त्रिमूर्तितत्वं साक्षाद्दत्तं परमब्रह्म हि लीलादासम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥६॥

O Śiva! You shine with five faces of a monkey, lion, kite, boar and horse! You are Viṣṇu as seen from the mark on Your forehead and You are also the Brahmā of the future cycle of creation. You are none but Lord Datta, the unified Trinity. You are the absolute God, playing the role of a servant. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


हे  कनकांशुक काञ्चन-कुण्डल वन्दे  त्वां हनुमन्तमनन्तम्

हे पिङ्गलाक्ष सद्गुण -सागर मामव सततं माया-मूढम्

हे मेरूगिरि-समुज्ज्वल -विग्रह  पालय मां  तव पदयुगलोलम्

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट -मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥७॥

O gold clothed One with gold ear-rings! My salutations to You, Lord Hanuman! O red eyed One! O Ocean of good qualities! Always, protect me since I am trapped in worldly bonds, O golden Mount Meru Personified! Be my saviour, I lie down at Your feet in surrender. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.


सङ्कट-मोचन-हनुमद्देव-महास्तुतिमेतां गायति नित्यम्

यो मनुजस्स समेति शतायु -बलमारोग्यं तेजो धैर्यम्

शतशत-सङ्कट -जालमपि क्षणमेव विनश्यति याति स तोषम्‌

को नहि वेत्ति कपीश जगत्यति -सङ्कट-मोचन-नाम तवेदम् ॥८॥

Anyone, who sings this prayer of God Hanuman, the only remover of all hurdles, That person shall attain longevity, strength, health, energy and courage. At once, the three dimensional network of crores of his hurdles shall vanish giving him peace. Who in this world does not know You, O renunciate Monkey-God; the Remover of Hurdles (Saṅkaṭa Mocana), You are called.
