Shri Datta Swami

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॥किङ्करोऽस्मि तव शङ्कर॥

किङ्करोऽस्मि तव शङ्कर! नूनम्।

भक्तवशङ्कर! पाहि पाहि शिव!॥ (पल्लवी)

Oh Śaṅkara! I am Your kikara (eternal servant). O Bhaktavaśaṅkara, the one bound by devotees’ love, protect me!


हिमांशुरेखा मुक्तावलीव, जाटजूट-मकुटोपरि भाति।

उष्णीषवस्त्र-शेषवदेषा, धवला तरला गङ्गाधारा ॥१॥

Your matted hair (jaṭā) are bunched up (jūṭa) on Your head appearing like a crown. The crescent moon (candra kalā) on Your hair is like a chain of pearls decorating Your crown. The stream of Gaṅgā falling from Your matted hair looks like the loose end of a white turban hanging from Your head.


मणिदीधितिम-त्कालसर्प-कुल-मिन्द्रनीलमणि-हारचयः किम्?।

ललाटनयनं वह्निभिररुणं, विभूतिरेखा कुङ्कुमबिम्बम् ॥२॥

The black serpents with the gems on their heads shinning, look like garlands of dark-blue gems. The fiery red eye on Your forehead is like mark of kuṅkuma powder on the horizontal lines of white ash applied on Your forehead.

पिनाकपाणे! पाशुपतास्त्रं पार्थाय दिशसि परमोदार!

मुनिशिशवे त्वं क्षीराब्धिमेव गौरीमेव च दशकण्ठाय ॥३॥

O Lord holding the Pināka bow in hand! O most generous Lord, You donated the Pāśupata arrow (divine missile) even to the Arjuna who fought with You! You donated the sea of milk to ignorant child Upamanyu weeping for a cup of milk! You even donated Your beloved wife Gaurī to the worst demon Rāvaṇa who wished to marry her!
