namo namo guru dattāya। brahmajñāna vittāya।
aphalapremonmattāya। karuṇārasa bhara cittāya।।
Salutations, Salutations to that Preacher Datta, whose only wealth is spiritual knowledge;
Who madly loves devotees serving Him without any aspiration;
Whose mind is full of kindness.
śaṅkha cakra ḍamaruka śūla। kuṇḍīmālā dhāriṇe mano hāriṇe।
Who is the Bearer of the conch, wheel, Ḍamaruka (drum), trisūla (trident), water-pot and garland of beads in His six hands and who attracts our minds;
Tribhuvana sañcāriṇe kumati jana saṁhāriṇe। sahyācala vihāriṇe jagatkāriṇe।।
Who wanders in the three worlds and kills devils;
Who walks on the Sahya hill and creates all the worlds;
Sanaka sanaṁdana sanatkumāra sanatsujātākhya caturāgama sārameyāya।
Who is followed by Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumāra, Sanatsujāta, the four Vedas in the form of dogs;
tarkā'meyāya muni mano neyāya parama dhyeyāya suṁdara kāyāya yogi nāyakāya।।
Who is above worldly logic;
Who is always carried by sages in their minds;
Who is the mediated absolute God;
Who has a very beautiful personality and is the leader of all divine sages,
jīvoddhārakāya māyā tārakāya dhiṣaṇā prerakāya jñāna kārakāya daitya mārakāya vipannivārakāya ।।2।।
Who is the Uplifter of devotees;
Who is the Boat to cross the sea of worldly illusion;
Who is the promoter of our intelligence;
Who is the Source of spiritual knowledge;
Who is the killer of demons and the solution to all problems.