Shri Datta Swami

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॥ श्री नरसिंह सरस्वती स्तोत्रम् ॥

श्री नरसिंह सरस्वती योगिराजं भजेऽहम् ॥ पल्लवी ॥
I worship Śrī Narasiṃha Saraswatī, the King of Yogis.

कर्णान्त कमल नयनं कनकवर्णच्छायम् ।
औदुम्बराधः शिलातलोपरि पद्मासनासीनम् ॥श्री नरसिंह सरस्वती…॥
With His body shinning golden and with His lotus eyes extending up to His ears,
He is seated in the lotus posture (padmāsana) on a stone under the Audumbara tree.

निज तनु धृत काषायाऽम्बर संवृतोत्तमाङ्गम् ।
कण्ठ मालायित पावन रुद्राक्षहारम् ॥श्री नरसिंह सरस्वती…॥
He wears a single saffron cloth, which covers His head too.
The garland of Rudrākṣa beads worn in His neck rests on His chest.

अनेक लीला महिम प्रदर्शन सद्गुरु मूर्तिम् ।
हरि हर ब्रह्मात्मक श्रीदत्तात्रेय पूर्णावतारम् ॥श्री नरसिंह सरस्वती…॥
He is the true preacher, who exhibited several miracles throughout His life.
He is the complete Incarnation of Dattātreya, of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva.
