Kāmeśvari, mayi karuṇāṃ kuru, bhīmeśvarāṅka gata karabhoru ।।Chorus।।
O Kāmeśvarī, show kindness on me! O Goddess, seated on the lap of Lord Bhīmaśaṇkara!
parabrahma siṃhāsanā'sīne – ānandā'mṛta madhurapāne ।
samasta jagadantara līne – bālikeva bhuvi līlā yāne।।
O Goddess seated on the mighty Parabrahma throne! Drinking the blissful divine nectar; Pervading all over creation; You appear as a smart girl walking.
helayā cālayasi lokaṃ – līlayā tārayasi śokam ।
śemuṣī mānayasi pākaṃ – sampadā khelayasi nākam ।।
You move the world with a playful smile; Making devotees cross the ocean of grief;
Leading their intelligence to maturity; Enriching heaven with wealth.
kanaka kiṅkiṇī kvaṇita caraṇe – maṇi rañjita mālābharaṇe ।
nāsā'nta māṇikya sphuraṇe – aruṇā'ṃśu kauśeyā'varaṇe ।।
O Goddess with sweet-sounding golden anklets;
Wearing ornaments decked with all precious gems;
A nose-ring studded with a red ruby; And a bright red-colored sari!
kāñcīpura pīṭha vilāsini – vipañcikā kvaṇita suhāsini ।
mada kalabha dhīra gāmini – śaśāṅka śekhara kāmini ।।
O Queen of the temple of Kāñcī city! Whose laugh sounds like the music of the vīṇā;
Whose walk is dignified like an elephant. You are the darling of the Lord, who wears the moon on His head!
jagadamba vilambi cikure – kambugale(ḻe) biṃbāṃśu nikare ।
nitamba sambādhita gamane – vyālambe tvāmamba śamane ।।
O Mother of Creation, with braided hair! O conch throated, red colored One,
Who walks slowly because of Her heavy hips; You are my refuge, O peaceful mother!
kva sā? kāmeśvarī devī – parabrahmādhiṣṭhāna devatā ।
caturdaśa bhuvana cakrāṇi – līlayā dṛśaiva cālayantī – śrīmat siṃhāsaneśvarī।।
Where is She; this Kāmeṣvarī Devi? She is the controller of the highest Parabrahman,
Rotating all the fourteen world-wheels, Just by one playful-beautiful look!
She is the One who adorns the shining mighty throne.
kvā'ham? tvatpāda rajo reṇūnām - eka reṇu koṭi kiraṇānām ।
eka kiraṇa aṃśa prasādena – kiñcidujjīvita jñānī । kiñcidutkrānta pravacanaḥ ।।
Where am I? I stand with My knowledge kindled by the grace of the trace of one ray; Among the crores of rays arising from a single particle; Of the little dust of Her divine feet.
kvā'ham? kva sā? Kāmeśvari…।।Chorus।।
Where am I? Where is She?