pravṛtti nivṛtti śākhā dvayam,
vande dattaṃ veda vṛkṣam (Chorus)
I salute Datta, who is the tree of the Veda scripture having the two branches like hands called Pravṛtti or worldly life and Nivṛtti or Spiritual life.
pravṛttau dharma eva tava kāmyaḥ,
nivṛttau tava kāmya eva dharmaḥ ।
In worldly life, the justice only is your like. In spiritual life, your like is only the justice.
pravṛtti radharmopari sa dharmo,
nivṛtti rasyopari paramātmā ।
In worldly life, justice is above the injustice. In spiritual life, God is above even justice.
pravṛtti rurvyāṃ nirmita mūlam,
nivṛtti rākāśaga saudhāgram ।।
Worldly life is the construction of foundation hidden in the earth whereas spiritual life is the top floor of the building that is touching the sky.