Shri Datta Swami

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॥ ब्रह्मज्ञानी ब्राह्मणो हि ॥

ब्रह्मज्ञानी ब्राह्मणो हि ।
नेता ब्राह्मण एकदत्तः ॥ (पल्लवी)

A Brāhmaṇa is the person, who knows about all details of God and leads the society to God by preaching true Spiritual knowledge about God. Hence, the real Brāhmaṇa is only God Datta.

{“Brahma nayati iti Brāhmaṇaḥ” means that Brāhmaṇa is the person who leads the society to God by preaching true Spiritual knowledge of God.}

भगवान् गायति गुणकर्मभिः ।
सृष्टो वर्णो मयैवेति ॥

(God Kṛṣ̤na sang in the Gītā that He Himself created caste system based on qualities and deeds of the souls.)

{“Cāturvarṇyaṃ mayā sṛṣṭam, guṇakarma vibhāgaśaḥ…” is told in the Gītā.}

जन्मनि वर्णे मनुष्य सृष्टे
कर्ता नाऽहमिति च सुगीतम् ॥

(God also sang that the caste system based on birth as created by humanity is not due to Him.)

{God said in the Gītā that He is the creator of the caste system based on qualities and deeds “Tasya kartāramapi mām…”. He also said that He is not the creator of the caste system “Viddhyakartāramavyayam…”. The second type of caste system must be different from the first type of caste system; otherwise, both systems will contradict with each other. The difference is that the second type of caste system is based on birth.}

गुणकर्मजन्म गुणकर्मात्तम् ।
जन्म तु निरर्धकमिति हि सत्यम् ॥

Some argue that the caste system by birth is also correct because based on qualities and deeds only, the soul is born in the corresponding caste. This is foolish argument because by merely saying that caste system is based on qualities and deeds, their argument is also included. By bringing birth into the picture, exceptional cases, which are births of certain souls born in castes not based on qualities and deeds can’t be explained.