Shri Datta Swami

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॥श्री मणिकण्ठ भजन - भज भज रे भगवन्तम्॥



भज भज रे भगवन्तम्, हरिहर पुत्रमनन्तम्॥ (पल्लवी)

O soul! Sing, sing the praises of the Lord; the infinite; the son of Hari (Viṣṇu) and Hara (Śiva).


मणिकण्ठहारं केरलकुमारम्, शार्दूलवाहं वर्जितविवाहम् ।
शबरीगिरीशं महिषीविनाशम्, शास्तारमेवं ध्यायामि देवम्॥

To the one wearing a garland of gems; to the child of Kerala; To the one riding on a tiger; to the unmarried boy; To the Lord of the Śabarī hill, to the killer of Mahiṣī-demon; I pray to the God, called Śāstā.


शिवविष्णुतेजस्संयोगभाजम्, संसारपारं श्रुतिवाक्यसारम्।
सोपानमाला-मधिरुह्य लीला-सङ्कल्पलोकं कलयन्तमेकम्॥

(I worship) The divine power born to the divine couple, Śiva and Viṣṇu (Mohinī); The other shore of the world-sea (the God who is beyond the world-sea); the essence of the Veda; The one who has ascended the series of eighteen steps and is sitting there, viewing His creation for entertainment.


एकैकवीरं सौन्दर्यमारम्, योगीन्द्रधीरं हृतभूमिभारम्।
पम्पाविहारं हृदयैकचोरम्, दत्तावतारं मुनिचित्तचारम्॥

(I worship) The only hero, who is beautiful like Cupid; the mighty king of yogis;
The one who eradicated demons from the earth;
The one walking on the banks of Pampā lake;
The stealer of hearts; the incarnated Datta; the one who plays around in the minds of sages.


आलीढकान्तं निश्श्रेणिकान्तम्, वेदान्तशान्तं चिन्मुद्रयान्तम्।
अनाद्यनन्तं मकरांशुमन्तम्, ज्योतिस्फुरन्तं शिखिवज्ज्वलन्तम्॥

(I worship) the one sitting in the ālīḍha style on the last step (18th step);
The spiritually peaceful one, showing the cinmudrā hand-gesture;
The one who is beginningless and endless;
The light of the Capricorn zodiac sign;
The one who is seen in the light of a flame (jyoti); the one burning like fire.
