Shri Datta Swami

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karmaphalasya tyāgo gītaḥ

karmaphalasya tyāgo gītaḥ
karmayoga iti bhavatā datta ॥ (Chorus)

O God Datta! You sang in the Gītā that the sacrifice of fruit of work alone is the entire Karmayoga.
{When Karmayoga consists of both sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work, how God referred the sacrifice of fruit of work alone as Karmayoga? is the doubt.}

andhābhyāsa jñānabhakteḥ
gehī dvividhā tyāgī bhavati ॥

God told that knowledge or Jñānayoga is better than blind practice. Meditation or theoretical devotion or Bhaktiyoga is better than knowledge. Practical devotion or Karmayoga is better than theoretical devotion, which is the final best. Instead of Karmayoga, God said Karmaphalatyāgayoga. This is justified because the householder doing sacrifice of fruit of work does also sacrifice of work. When Karmaphalatyāga refers the householder only, automatically Karmasaṃnyāsa also is referred. Hence, here, the Karmaphalatyāga along with unsaid Karmasaṃnyāsa stands for Karmayoga. Moreover, the devotee doing the sacrifice of fruit of work has already done work to earn that fruit and hence, sacrifice of fruit of work includes sacrifice of work also. In this way also, sacrifice of fruit of work naturally includes sacrifice of work also and can stand for the entire karma yoga.
{In this verse “śreyo hi jñānamabhyāsāt…-Gītā”, God is expected to say the above order of Jñānayoga, Bhaktiyoga and Karmayoga because the above three steps are one after the other in the sequence of their founder preachers (Śaṇkara, Rāmānuja and Madhva). But, instead of Karmayoga, the third step, God said Karmaphalatyāgayoga.}

dṛṣṭāntābhyāṃ tyāgaśāntiḥ
pūrṇa tyāgāt adhika sudāmā ॥

With the help of two worldly examples, we can say that the sacrifice of fruit of work is the full stop for the effort of the devotee. Saktuprastha sacrificed all his fruit of work to God and Sudāmā or Kucela is greater than Saktuprastha since he sacrificed to God by bringing the item on loan!)
{1. Hearing the details of Mumbai is Jñānayoga. Developing mental attraction-force to see Mumbai is Bhaktiyoga. Walking to railway station is Karmasaṃnyāsayoga and finally purchasing the ticket is Karmaphalatyāgayoga. 2. Rukmiṇī heard the divine details of Kṛṣṇa from Sage Nārada and this is Jñānayoga. She developed tremendous mental attraction to Kṛṣṇa and this is Bhatiyoga. She wrote a love letter to Kṛṣṇa and sent the priest to Kṛṣṇa to give that love letter to Him and all this is Karmasaṃnyāsayoga. When the priest returned, she gifted him with a gold chain from her neck and this is Karmaphalatyāgayoga. Both these are good examples.}

śaktidravya bhedo bodhyaḥ
sarvasyāṃśe na dhanādhikyam ॥

(Karmasaṃnyāsa is sacrifice of work or energy. Karmaphalatyāga is sacrifice of matter. Energy and matter are inter-convertible by famous equation E=MC2. This equation proves that lot of energy is equal to very small amount of matter. Hence, scientifically also, Karmaphalatyāga is greater than Karmasaṃnyāsa. This concept shall not be misunderstood that importance is given to the quantity of sacrificed item or money. It is not the quantity of money sacrificed is important, but, it is the share of it in the total possessed wealth.)
{Sacrifice of 1 Rupee by a beggar is greatest because such sacrifice is 100% since he sacrificed what all he possessed. Sacrifice of 10 Rupees by a rich man having 100 Rupees is only 10% sacrifice. Hence, this concept shall not be misunderstood as favouring rich people to extract money.}
