Shri Datta Swami

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वन्देति रम्यं । विश्वैक गम्यम् ।

वन्देति रम्यं । विश्वैक गम्यम् ।
उन्मत्त दत्तं । गुरुदेवम् ।। (पल्लवी)

I bow down to the most beautiful one, called as ‘unmatta Datta’, the real Sadguru and the ultimate goal of all creatures.


वेदान्त सारं । नानावतारं । - भक्तोपकारं भज दत्तम् ।।1।।

He is the essence the Vedānta – spiritual knowledge, taking several divine forms, helping always the true devotees in their spiritual progression, pray to Him.


संसार पारं । रुद्राक्षहारं । - नीहारगौरं । भज दत्तम् ।।2।।

He is beyond this entire world, wearing a Rudrākṣa necklace, having dew like body complexion, pray to Him.


काषाय चेलं । पात्राक्षमालं । - आम्नाय मूलं । भज दत्तम् ।।3।।

He wears a saffron cloth, carries kamaṇḍalu and akṣamālā in hands, the root of the holy Vedas, pray to Him.

ज्वालाक्षि फालं । ढक्का त्रिशूलं । - कंठाहि नीलं । भज दत्तम् ।।4।।

He has a fiery third eye on His forehead, wears the Ḍhakkā and Triśūla, His throat has a bluish tinge, pray to Him.


पादांत शक्रं । विच्छिन्न नक्रं । - श्री शङ्खचक्रं । भज दत्तम् ।।5।।

Indra, king of celestial beings, took refuge in Him, He cut off the head of a crocodile that caught hold of the devoted elephant, wearing Śaṅkha and Cakra, pray to Him.


कन्दर्प रूपं । सौन्दर्य दीपं । - योगीन्द्र भूपं । भज दत्तम् ।।6।।

He supersedes the cupid in the beauty, He is the lamp of beauty, He is the king of Yogis, pray to Him.


मन्त्रात्म बीजं । तन्त्रार्थ भाजं । - श्री यन्त्रराजं भज दत्तम् ।।7।।

He is the heart of all divine hymns, all worships goes to Him only, He is the king of yantras, pray to Him.
