Shri Datta Swami

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అనిత్య వర్ణః స్థిరగుణ కర్మసు

(Sung by Smt. Devi)

అనిత్య వర్ణః స్థిరగుణ కర్మసు ।
నిత్యో హి మునిషు మునీశ దత్త! (పల్లవీ)

O Datta, the king of Sages! Caste is based on qualities and their subsequent deeds. If the qualities and their subsequent deeds are permanent in a soul, the caste of such soul is also permanent and this is seen in Sages.

{One need not mock at the concept of caste based on qualities and deeds saying that the caste will be continuously changing since these qualities and deeds in a soul are not permanent and change from one time to the other. This argument is rejected because the sages maintained permanent caste by having the set of qualities related to Brāhmaṇa caste throughout their lives.}


పఞ్చ దివసేషు రజస్వలాయాః ।
భిన్నో వర్ణః పాపి కులఞ్చ ।।

If the qualities and deeds change, certainly the caste of the soul changes. The best example for this is ethical scripture saying that a lady in the menstrual cycle gets the fifth caste on 1st day, gets the caste of killers of Brāhmaṇa on 2nd day, gets the caste of washermen on the 3rd day, gets the caste of Śūdra on the 4th day and gets the caste of Brāhmaṇa on the 5th day. This shows change of caste of a soul every day. It should be also noted that the caste on 2nd day is not in the caste system, which is based on a bad sinful quality and this means that caste is based on deeds decided by qualities.


సత్యకామ జనశ్రుతి కులతః ।
సఙ్కరతః పఞ్చమ మఘతశ్చ ।।

In the Veda, the castes of Satyakāma-Jābāla and Janaśṛuti were told based on qualities and deeds. Because of various permutations and combinations of qualities, mixed or saṅkara castes are also told. The 5th caste consists of boycotted sinners from all the four castes.

{The caste of Satyakāma was decided as Brāhmaṇa since he told the truth and this proves the decision of caste by quality. Janaśṛuti was born as Kṣatriya, but was addressed as Śūdra by Sage Raikva because Janaśṛuti was in the state of worry, which is the meaning of the word Śūdra (Śocati iti Śūdraḥ). This again proves that the caste is decided by the quality. Ethical scripture says that 5000 mixed castes result in Kaliyuga (Kalau pañcasahasrāṇi, jāyate varṇasaṅkaraḥ…) and this is due to various ratios of mixtures of qualities. In the Veda, only 4 castes were mentioned. The 5th caste resulted by the boycott of sinners from all 4 castes by the society. Hence, the issue of the 5th caste need not be boycotted based on its parents.}


నిన్దా పూజే గుణతః కృతే ।
హననం దూషిత మృషిభిః కులాత్ ।।

Respect and disrespect were always given based on good and bad qualities. Rāvaṇa, born in the caste of Brāhmaṇas, was condemned and Rāma born as Kṣatriya was worshipped. The photos of Śabarī and hunter belonging to the lowest caste are worshipped in the prayer rooms of Brāhmaṇas even today. When Sūta, born in low caste, was killed by Balarāma, Sages scolded Balarāma saying that Sūta was made president of the Sacrifice based on his Vedic knowledge and he shall not salute to Balarāma while sitting in the Sacrifice.

{When Balarāma attended the sacrifice, all Sages stood and saluted Balarāma. Sūta did not salute Balarāma since he was sitting in the position of the President of the Sacrifice called Brahmā.}


అధ్యాహారః చరణ ద్వయేఽపి ।
శూద్రద్విజయోః సర్వ శబ్దః ।।

There is a verse saying that everybody is born as Śūdra by birth and the same is reborn as Dvija of higher caste through deed. Here, in both lines the same word “everybody” shall be brought as common word.

{In the verse “Janmanā jāyate śūdraḥ, karmaṇā jāyate dvijaḥ” there are two lines. The 1st line means that everybody is born as Śūdra by birth. The 2nd line means that everybody is born as Dvija of higher caste by deed. Here, in the 1st line, the word “everybody” is brought from outside (Adhyāhāra) and as per rule, the same word must apply to the second line also. But, in the 2nd line, some people bring the word “higher castes” other than the 4th caste, which is violation of rule. Hence, this verse means that everybody is born as Śūdra due to ignorance and the same everybody is reborn as Dvija or higher caste by deed decided by quality. Here, the word deed is interpreted as a specific ritual called Upanayanam and this is improper. “By birth” and “By deed” words are proper duplex in the famous sense that Caste is not decided by birth and must be decided by deed decided by quality. Hence, the word “deed” can’t refer a special ritual called “Upanayanam”.}


కులాన్తరా స్వా సఙ్కర పుత్రా ।
ద్వయమపి తస్యాః పురుష భ్రంశః ।।

The ritual called Upanayanam with Gāyatrī and right to study the Veda to perform Sacrifice were not allowed to females and by this the Brāhmiṇ females became Śūdras, which means that their issues entered Saṅkara or mixed caste! The above two things restricted to females went to females only and males have lost those two!

{The female sings sweet songs in worship and becomes close to God. Gāyatrī means singing the praise of God and through that becoming close to God is Upanayanam. Study of the Veda is done to perform the sacrifice or Yajña. Actually, the female only performs the Yajña by cooking the food and serving it to the hungry people possessing hunger fire. Both these were denied to their own females by the ignorant middle aged male priests, but, by the will of God, both these are with females only and males have lost both!}
