Shri Datta Swami

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॥ दीपावली-ज्ञानदीपावली ॥

(Sung by Shri Datta Swami)


(Sung by Smt. Devi)

दीपावली-ज्ञानदीपावली, दीपावली-भक्ति दीपावली (पल्लवी)

Nights of lights-knowledge nights of lights
Nights of lights-devotion nights of lights.


अद्यैव कृष्ण स्मरणं, श्वः प्रभृत्येव कार्त्तिक मासः ।
चन्द्रशेखरस्य-अभिषेकः ।।

Today is the memory of Krishna, tomorrow onwards Kaartika month ।
Bathing the moon headed God.


हृदये मृण्मय पात्रे, ज्ञानदशां निधेहि ।
भक्ति तैलेन पूरय-गुरु दत्त बोध ज्वालया ।
दीपय दीपं स्वामिने-तव जीवितमेवायं दीपः ।।

In the heart, earthen vessel, knowledge fig is to be kept ।
Pour devotion oil, with the flame of preaching of Guru Datta ।
Light the light for God, your entire life is this light.


संसार एव नरकासुरः-स्वामि प्रेमैव सत्यभामा ।
संसाररति रमावास्या-अज्ञानमेव गाढान्धकारः ।
भक्ति गीतान्येव दाह्यानि-दाह एव भजन योगः ।।

Worldly life is the demon Naraka, love to God is Satyabhaama ।
Worldly interest is dark night, ignorance is the deep darkness ।
Devotional songs are crackers, burning them is singing songs ।।


रे रे जीव! मूढ मानव!- अन्तरार्थ मवलोकय ।
विषय तृणं भक्षयसि-नित्यं पशु रेवासि ।
पशुपतिं विस्मरसि-जायसे च पशुजन्मा ।।

Re Re soul! foolish human being!, understand the inner sense ।
You are eating worldly grass, always becoming the animal ।
You forgot God Pashupati; you are going to be born as animal ।।


अभिषेकः स्वामि प्रेमैव-गङ्गा जलं शुद्ध प्रणयः ।
लिङ्गमेव सगुण रूपं-त्रिदल बिल्वं त्रिमूर्ति भावः ।
ब्रह्मज्ञानं विभूतिः-विश्वेश्वर एव गुरु दत्तः ।।

Bathing God Shiva is divine love, Water of Ganga is the purest love ।
Shiva Lingam is qualified form, Three bilva leaflets are three divine forms।
Knowledge of God is sacred ash, God Shiva is God Guru Datta only ।।


सात्त्विकभावः क्षीराभिषेकः, सत्सङ्ग एव दध्यभिषेकः ।
तनुतापो घृताभिषेकः-प्रेमैव मधूना मभिषेकः ।
स्वामि वाच एव शर्कराभिषेकः ।।

Soft feeling is milk bath, spiritual debate is curd bath ।
Penance of body is ghee bath, divine love is honey bath ।
Words of God are sugar bath ।।


नारिकेलफलं तव शीर्षं-तस्य भेदो वेदान्त चर्चा ।
तन्मधु सलिलं ते प्रियभावः-अर्पणमेव तस्याभिषेकः ।
द्रव्य यज्ञे सारांश एव-ज्ञानयज्ञ इति जानीहि ।।

Your head is coconut, breaking it is spiritual discussion ।
Its sweet water is your love feeling, surrender is God’s bath ।
Know, the essence of material sacrifice is knowledge sacrifice ।।


नानाफल रसाभिषेकः-सर्वकर्मफल सङ्ग त्यागः ।
कर्पूर नीराजन मेव-स्वामिने तव मनो दानम् ।
शिव रतिरेव सौरभ गन्धः-नैवेद्यमेव तव आत्मार्पणम् ।।

Bath with juice of all fruits is-leaving aspiration for fruit in worship ।
Moving camphor light around is-surrendering your mind to God ।
Fascination to Shiva is scented smoke, offering fruit is self surrender ।।


देवदेवाय तव देहः-वाम देवाय तव वाचः ।
आदि देवाय तवान्तरङ्गः-अर्पणमेव शिवाराधनम् ।
एकैक क्षणः कार्त्तिकमासः-आनन्द एव अमृताभिषेकः ।।

Your body is for God of Gods, your words are for the beautiful God ।
Your mind is for the original God, surrender is worship of God Shiva ।
Every minute is Kartika month, divine bliss is bath with divine nectar ।।
