Shri Datta Swami

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॥शङ्कराय ते॥

शङ्कराय ते लोक-शङ्कराय ते।

वन्दनानि मे देव वासुदेवस्य॥

Salutations to thee, Śaṅkara, who gives happiness to this world, Oh God! Salutations of Vāsudeva, Myself, are here to Your feet. (Chorus)


फाललोचनं तव हि मे सुदर्शनम् ।

शूलमेव ते तिलक-मूर्ध्वपुण्ड्रकम् ।

नीलकण्ठ! ते भाति कण्ठ-नीलिम ।

विस्तरान्महो मम हि देह-नीलिम॥१॥

Fire eye on Your forehead is My Sudarśana wheel rotating on the finger of My hand, Triśūla weapon in Your hand is mark of three vertical lines shining on My forehead. Oh blue-throated Lord! a little of the intensive blue colour of Your beautiful throat is The vast blue colour pervading all over My body, which shines as My distinct blue colour.


फालचक्षुषा दग्ध-पद्मसायकम् ।

सादराक्षिणा दृष्टपद्मसम्भवम् ।

प्रेम-वीक्षणा-लोल-पद्मलोचनम् ।

त्वां त्रिलोचनं देव संस्मराम्यहम्॥२॥

You burnt the lotus arrowed cupid by opening the third eye burning on Your forehead, By Your right eye, You see the lotus-seated Lord Brahmā with respect for His knowledge, By Your left eye, You are looking lotus-eyed Lord Viṣṇu with love for His Mohinī-beauty, I remember You always as God with the three eyes, each being specific with its own action.


नटन पण्डित! स्फुरति रम्यताण्डवम् ।

चित्रमण्डलं भ्रमण-लोल-कुण्डलम् ।

उरगमण्डन! स्खलित-धर्मदण्डनम् ।

दनुज-खण्डनं विजित-भारतीभण्डनम्॥३॥

Oh scholar of dance! Your amazing dance became world famous as source of any dance, Which draws wonderful circles on floor as Your ear-rings shake constantly in the rotations, Oh God ornamented by serpents! You punished even God of justice, Yama, for his slip, You destroy cruel demons, You won even Goddess Saraswatī in debate at Māhiṣmatī.
