Shri Datta Swami

Bhakti Ganga (Devotional Songs) — English  Telugu  Hindi

॥वेङ्कटेश्वर पाहि माम्॥


वेङ्कटेश्वर! वेङ्कटेश्वर! वेङ्कटेश्वर! पाहि माम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर! वेङ्कटेश्वर! वेङ्कटेश्वर! रक्ष माम्.

Venkateshwara! Venkateshwara! Venkateshwara! Protect me,

Venkateshwara! Venkateshwara! Venkateshwara! Save me, (chorus)


ऊर्ध्व पुण्ड्र-विलक्षणाङ्कित-फालदेश-समुज्ज्वलम्,

सप्तशैल-विभूषणं नव-नील-मेघ-समप्रभम्,

वाम पार्श्व-विलम्बि-मौक्तिक-दाम-चारु-किरीटिनम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

Your bright forehead is marked with specific three vertical thick lines, You are the jewel of seven hills with tender blue colour of new clouds, With beautiful crown, by side of which, hangs a chain of white pearls, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?





वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

On your both shoulders shine conch and wheel with clear radiations, Your ear-jewels are smart like a pair of ‘cakravāka’ birds in shape, Your cloth worn below waist is dazzling with pure gold coloured sparks, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?





वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

Your garlands are tied by multicolour-flowers with Tulasī leaves inter-linked, Your various jewels glow with the fixed diamonds and pearls here and there, A garland of special red lotus flowers hangs from Your neck over broad chest, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?





वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

A beautiful smile dancing on Your tender mango-leaflet lips drags everyone, On Your Chin shines the sandal paste applied by a devotee causing a wound, Your straight nose is very very beautiful, which is as bright as gingelly flower, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?




वाम पाणि-विलोल सौरभ-वर्षि कोमल-वारिजम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

Both Your eyes are illuminating like a pair of white spark fish, Both Your eye-brows look like doubled bow of your son, cupid, In Your left hand hangs a divine lotus flower raining sweet scent, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?


दक्षिणादि-गुणालयं शुभ सर्व-सद्गुण-सागरम्,

पाप कूप-निमग्न जीव-समुद्धरं धरणीधवम्,

अङ्गुलीयक-वज्र दीधिति-पाणिनाऽभय-दायकम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

You are the ocean of good qualities like eternal kindness, generosity etc, You are the saviour of sinners fallen in deep worldly well, O divine king!  Your hand with diamond rings shows protection as firm as the diamond, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?


उज्ज्वलाङ्ग-सुदर्शनाऽभिध-चक्र खण्डित-राक्षसम्,

सर्वमङ्गल देवता-रमया लसत्-गुरुवक्षसम्,

शङ्ख चक्र-गदाऽसि शार्ङ्ग-समाख्य-पञ्च-समायुधम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

You killed demons by Your radiating wheel-weapon called as Sudarśana, Your broad chest is the temple of Goddess Lakshmi, deity of auspiciousness, Śaṅkha, Cakra, Gadā, Nandaka and Śārṅga are Your five weapons, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?


यः पठेदिद-मद्भुतं स्तव-मुत्तमोत्तम-मागमम्,

सर्व कष्ट-विमुक्तिमेति, सकृत्सुखं लभते नरः,

क्षीर सागर-शायिनं, परमाप्नुयात् परपूरुषम्,

वेङ्कटेश्वर-माश्रये, मम किङ्करिष्यति वै कलिः?

He, who sings this greatest-wonderful prayer as sacred as Vedic scripture, Gets relieved from all difficulties and finally attains eternal happiness here, Finally reaches the divine Lord lying on the milk-ocean, who is absolute God, O Lord Venkateshwara! You are my asylum, what kali age can do to me?
