Shri Datta Swami

 08 Nov 2024


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Are all the pujas we do correct or not?

[Shri Kama Sastry garu through Smt. Rama Sundari garu:

The Inner Meaning of Datta Jayanti (Part-2). In response to the above message, following question was raised.

Om Sairam Sai, I have not understood properly. In such a case, there is a doubt whether all the pujas we do are correct or not. Think it over if you can.]

Swami replied:- Suppose the majority does a sin, will it be correct since the majority is doing? In a foreign country, if all the people living in that country are non-vegetarians, will you support the killing of animals for non-vegetarian food as not a sin? We must analyze whether a point is correct or not by its own merits and defects and not by the number of people practicing that point. You must come out with the specific point along with its defects you propose to rub on it and along with your oppositions of its merits I proposed. I also request Shri Kama Sastry Garu to think it over if he can!

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