Shri Datta Swami

 18 Jul 2024


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Are reservations provided by the constitution to backward castes justified?

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅga namaskāram Swami, What is Your comment on the reservations provided by the constitution for the backward castes?]

Swami replied:- The basis for providing reservations for the backward castes decided by birth is that in the past time, these backward castes were suppressed by the upward castes due to which the backward castes did not have full encouragement in their studies and hence, did not get good jobs. We agree to this allegation because since the beginning of this Kali age (since about 5000 years onwards), Pravrutti did not proceed on justified lines because of the so-called preachers of justice to  society and governments. The reason was that they always concentrated on the recitation of the scripture (Veda) neglecting the meaning of the scripture. Therefore, reservations provided by the constitution are justified, but, they are justified as far as the field of education is concerned. You must provide reservation in admissions to education and they must be provided full financial aid during the period of studies along with all facilities in all angles. But, once education is over and employment starts, there should be no reservation for anybody. If you provide reservation in employment, the student belonging to backward class will not study properly thinking that he/she will get a job under reservation irrespective of the merit in pass. Similarly, there shall be no reservation in the promotions of job. If there is such promotion, the employee will not work sincerely because promotion will come to him/her irrespective of sincere work.

As per gene theory, only certain mannerisms are transmitted through blood and no quality is transmitted to the other generation through genes. This means that the backwardness in intelligence of the past generations of backward class is not transmitted to their present generations. Hence, you cannot say that the present generations are mild due to their ancestral generations. Hence, the present generation must work hard to receive the knowledge taught in the classrooms. The extra facilities given to the present backward class-generations are to be given based on their economic backwardness but not based on the false gene theory, which says that since their uneducated forefathers were dull, their present generations must also be dull due to the gene theory. This means that the quality of ignorance of the forefathers belonging to backward classes will not be transmitted to their present generations so that the absence of merit in studies can be excused. The gene theory says that only certain mannerisms are transmitted from forefathers to generation by generation and except this, no other quality is transferred. This is the reason why  reservations are recommended for implementation up to certain generations only and not recommended forever as long as this creation exists.


The present politicians aspiring for votes are extending reservations continuously! Hence, the economic backwardness irrespective of caste shall be the main basis for providing financial facilities to any student having the urge to acquire knowledge and no reservations must be there in selecting for job and in subsequent promotions of the selected employee. Since there is no ancestral ignorance transmitted by gene theory (since genes carry on only mannerisms), you cannot support the current reservation system by saying that since these backward classes are mild, they shall be given reservations in selecting for jobs and in subsequent promotions. All  help must be done during the period of study only and if you remove the reservations in jobs and promotions, they will study carefully and work hard so that they can develop inherently. By these reservations in jobs and promotions, you are killing their personality development.

Always, God Datta speaks the spiritual knowledge related to worldly life (Pravrutti) and spiritual life (Nivrutti) through Me. God Datta already said that the caste system is based on qualities and deeds and not on the birth. God Datta is not in favour of any caste and is not against any caste. The above said knowledge is true and justified because God Datta always preaches true and complete knowledge (Satyam Jnaanam Anantam Brahma).

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