Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 May 2021


Are the video recordings of the miracles performed by Shri Satya Sai Baba direct proof of the existence of the unimaginable God?

[An online spiritual discussion was conducted on May 15, 2021, in which several devotees participated. Devotees’ questions answered by Swāmi are given below.]

[Śrī Bharath Krishna asked: Pādanamaskāraṃ Swāmiji! So-called scientific-minded people accept the results of scientific experiments carried out by scientists who are totally strangers. But they do not accept the miracles done publicly by a Human Incarnation of God? Śrī Satya Sai Bāba has done so many miracles publicly and their videos are all recorded. They are available for people to watch. Is watching those videos, as good as directly witnessing the miracles done by God? At Your Lotus Feet, Bharath Krishna.]

Swāmi replied: Who objected you from watching the miracles of Shri Satya Sai Bāba, which were performed before lakhs of people? Even on the stage, He was surrounded by several people. The video is not taken in the film studio like the miracle directed by Śrī Vithalacharya, the film director. The miracles are performed by the mediated God in whom the unimaginable God exists in merged state. If every visible person is able to do that miracle, there is no speciality of Bāba. But, He alone is doing those miracles and other ordinary visible human beings are unable to do such miracles. Even top scientists were present to witness these rare miracles. Only those low-grade people advertising themselves as scientists, while not knowing even the basic principles of science, claim themselves as very scientific people. Matter is generated by will of Bāba, which cracks the law of conservation of matter and energy. Do you not believe a scientific video demonstrating certain scientific laws? The video of the miracle itself shows lakhs of people watching and Bāba performing miracles surrounded by several people on the stage. The people, who witnessed are also stand as direct proof. If you disbelieve such video also, you must disbelieve this entire world and also must disbelieve your own eyes. Yes. Miracles are direct proof for the existence of their source, the unimaginable God because the mechanism of miracle is unimaginable. The miracle is visible and imaginable, but, the mechanism of the miracle is invisible and unimaginable. Similarly, the performer of miracles is visible and imaginable, but, the source of those miracles, the unimaginable God is invisible and unimaginable. Topmost scientists believed these miracles and became devotees of Bāba. All the modern philosophers like Jiddu Krishnamurthy and Osho speak so many things about various aspects of the imaginable world, which can be spoken by any human scholar. Can these modern philosophers explain these genuine miracles? They don’t touch this subject that stands for the existence of unimaginable God. Osho says that God is not love but love is God. Let a fellow, who is the top lover do these miracles, if love is God. Osho called Jesus as bastard because his mother, the holy Mary conceived Jesus before marriage. Let him explain any single miracle performed by Jesus. When Jesus did so many miracles, can’t the birth of Jesus be a miracle of unimaginable God? There are so many divine people performing miracles everywhere in the country. If you have not seen with your eyes, does it mean that it does not exist? Miracles are very very important for the proof of unimaginable God and Satya Sai Bāba proved the existence of unimaginable God very very clearly. This point is the starting point for the path of Spiritual life. All those denying miracles and unimaginable God are only the rigid and mad atheists since their aim is to do sins without fear. Osho says that hell is very colourful. Yes. It is really colourful and one sees many many colours while punished severely in the hell. Osho tells that Jesus, who accepted love to be divine also accepted the eternal hell. Love is only a worldly quality and the unimaginable God is beyond both worldly quality and quantity (properties of medium only). Love is exhibited by mediated God because love is the quality of relative awareness, which is present in the medium even before the unimaginable God merged with it. How Osho can say that God is the quality of love but not a quantity, when both quality and quantity belong to the imaginable creation and not to the unimaginable God-creator?
