Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 05 Nov 2021


Understanding the miracles performed by Shri Satya Sai Baba

[Mrs. Lakshmi Chaitanya asked:- One of our teachers is an atheist, who gave me a video showing the creation of sacred ash by Shri Sathya Sai Baba from His hand. In that video, a tablet of ash was seen between the fingers of the hand. My father is a strong devotee of Baba and refused to see that video. Kindly give Your remarks on this.]

Swami Replied:- There are hundred types of miracles performed by Baba among which creation of sacred ash from the hand is one. Only one type of miracle is criticised by one type of video only. What about disproving other types of miracles? I did not find any video disproving any type of these other ninety nine types of miracles. One miracle of these ninety nine types is:- a severe cancer patient came to Baba and Baba told that his cancer is cancelled. On diagnosis the cancer was not present and the patient lived for many many years more. Can you give Me a video disproving this miracle? Except the above said one type of miracle involving movement of hand, no other type of miracle is disproved so far. Now tell Me, if a person can do ninety nine types of miracles perfectly, will He (Baba) do one fraud cheap miracle to get bad name? Did you see any hotel having ninety nine wonderful facilities and having one small facility as worst so that the name of the hotel is spoiled by that one small cheap facility? Hence, in view of this logic as said above I conclude that the one video presented by the atheist is a fraud video. Such fraudulent tricks can be easily made in the photographic technology. Did this atheist catch the hand of Baba while producing the ash and showed the ash tablet between the fingers? If he has done so, that scene could have come in the video. Since the atheist is unable to disprove other ninety nine types of miracles, the correct conclusion is that the atheist has made some manipulation in the video.
