Shri Datta Swami

 10 May 2018


Brahmajnaana Samhitaa: Part-10

Note: This article is meant for intellectuals only

(Scripture of Knowledge of God)
UTTARĀRDHA CARCĀ (Second Half Part Discussion)


13)  उपमतसाम्यं सर्वमतसाम्यस्य प्रतिबिम्बमेव । भेदे विरोध एव दृश्यते ।

13) Upamatasāmyaṃ sarvamatasāmyasya pratibimbameva ।

bhede virodha eva dṛśyate ।

[Opponent (Puurva pakshii): -You cannot unify the religions of the world since each religion has concepts resulting in contradicting the concepts of other religions, especially Hinduism, which is alone perfectly correct.

Theorist (Siddhaantii):- The concepts of all the religions in the world may be different, but, not contradicting each other. Difference is not contradiction. The syllabus of LKG class is different from the syllabus of PG class, but, both are not contradicting each other. Difference also comes due to the reference. The standard of LKG student (one reference) is different from the standard of PG student (another reference). If you take the reference as one student only, then, they appear contradicting each other. For example, Shankara said that God and soul are one and the same due to perfect monism. Madhva said perfect dualism by saying that God and soul are totally different from each other. Shankara and Madhva appear to be contradicting each other. Perfect monism and perfect dualism appear to contradict each other. But, if you take different souls as different references, the contradiction disappears. If you take God (electricity) and ordinary soul (non-electrified wire), there is perfect dualism. If you take God (electricity) and soul (electrified wire) in human incarnation, there is perfect monism between the two since the soul in human incarnation (electrified wire) shows the property of God (electricity) by performing miracles and preaching excellent spiritual knowledge. The electrified wire gives shock, which is the property of electricity. Hence, there is perfect monism.

The perfect dualism is correct in the case of non-electrified wire and perfect monism is correct in the electrified wire. When we recognize the concepts applied to two different references (non-electrified wire and electrified wire), the difference appearing as contradiction vanishes. Apart from the above two theories of Shankara and Madhva, a third theory appeared as intermediate between both, as established by Ramanuja. It says that the monism appeared due to inseparable dualism. Unimaginable God and imaginable soul are basically different like electricity (stream of electrons) and wire (chain of metallic crystals). Since electricity and wire can’t be separated, the wire attained the property (shock) of electricity. This is co-relating both monism and dualism as an intermediate theory. Science also resolved the difference between concepts of particle nature and wave nature of an electron, which appear contradicting each other.

The above three theories also apply to the same reference simultaneously if you take the human incarnation as the single primary reference and keeping different devotees as different secondary references. When the human incarnation is faced by climax devotees having no ego and jealousy, God and soul are perfectly one and the same and this is possible due to the unimaginable power of God. This can’t be applied to electricity and wire since electricity has no unimaginable power. Hence, with reference to climax devotees, perfect monism is correct. Suppose, the same human incarnation is facing devotees having full ego and jealousy simultaneously along with the above climax devotees, God is totally different from the soul and the human incarnation says that it is the servant of God. Hence, perfect dualism is correct in the same incarnation for a different reference simultaneously. Suppose, along with the above two types of devotees, the intermediate type of devotees having lesser ego and lesser jealousy is also simultaneously facing the same human incarnation, the human incarnation behaves as per the theory of Ramanuja (God and soul are basically different, but, one due to inseparable dualism between God and soul.). Therefore, you are finding the three different theories appearing contradicting each other existing in the same human incarnation simultaneously to different references and correlation is obtained here, which is the unity in Hinduism. First you must unite your family members (Hinduism) and then unite different families (different religions of the world).

The above differences appearing as contradictions are observed within the same Hindu religion. The difference between these three sub-religions of the same Hindu religion is resolved as said above by taking three different references. The defect shown by you is not only existing among various religions of the world, but also is existing among sub-religions of the same Hindu religion. If we can unify the sub-religions of the single Hindu religion, can’t we unify the two main religions present in the world? When you can remove the walls within your house and unite all the rooms of your house to make your house as a single big hall, can’t you do the same thing between your house and adjacent house to make both houses as a single bigger hall? Hinduism represents all the religions as its sub-religions only and hence, there is no difference or contradiction between Hinduism and other religions in the world. Unification of different religions in the world is nothing but unification of sub-religions in Hinduism. You find the same concepts of sub-religions of Hinduism in the religions of the world also. Hinduism is a mini world representing all the religions of the world as its sub-religions. When you can solve the differences between your own different family members, can’t you solve the differences between different families?

You can find the above three concepts in Christianity. When Jesus said that He is truth and light, it refers to perfect monism of Shankara. When He said that He is son of God it refers to the theory of Ramanuja (Ramanuja says that soul is a part of the whole God like a spark is a part of the whole fire. There is qualitative similarity and quantitative difference between part and whole. A father having several children suits to this having qualitative similarity of the same blood and quantitative difference as small child before the elder father.). When He told that He is the messenger or servant of God, it shows the theory of perfect dualism of Madhva. In Islam, Prophet Mohammed stressed on perfect dualism only because the monism is taken by devotees in wrong sense and Jesus was crucified. He eradicated the concept of human incarnation and monism to avoid such horrible attack on genuine human incarnation due to the defect on the side of devotees. Jesus was just the preceding human incarnation to Mohammed, who Himself is also a human incarnation. Dayananda Saraswati, a human incarnation, also is similar to Mohammed in this concept. But, Dayananda eradicated the concept of human incarnation due to the defect on the side of false human incarnation exploiting the innocent devotees. The resulting concept is one and the same though their backgrounds differ. Coming to Buddhism, Buddha kept silent about the unimaginable God and silence is the best expression of the unimaginable God. Buddha, Himself, is the ninth human incarnation among the famous ten incarnations of God.

Buddha stressed mainly on one point, which is the eradication of desire. Desire is the root cause for the aspiration of fruit, which spoils the whole spiritual effort of the soul. Buddha stressed on this and the same is stressed by Krishna throughout the Gita as selfless service or Nishkama karma yoga. Along with Buddha, Jainism stressed on the non-violence on the part of the soul. Buddha stressed on the justice (Dharma) and welfare of society (Sangha), which are the basic concepts of pravrutti. He added nivrutti by saying that the soul should surrender to God or Buddha or human incarnation of God in the third step in the end. In this way, we find no differences between the concepts of sub-religions of Hinduism and religions of the world. The unification of sub-religions in Hinduism is just the unification of all the religions in the world. The astrological predictions of Nostradamus of the west exactly resembles with the predictions of future made by Shri Veerabrahmendra Swamy, a human incarnation in Hinduism. It is a point of greatest happiness that Nostradamus predicted the unification of all religions in the world by a great genius, Who is a scientist also coming from a country (south India) surrounded by three seas and this exactly refers to Dattaswami, Who unified the sub-religions of Hinduism and also all the religions in this world.

Therefore, the above correlation establishes the universal spirituality that can be represented by universal religion, which pervades all the religions of the world like the central government of India pervading all the state governments. If you belong to any state, you are belonging to the central government also simultaneously! The only contradicting religion to our universal religion is atheism existing as a religion in the world. This atheism also exists as a sub-religion in Hinduism in the name of the religion of Sage Charvaka. It is also contradicted and correlated with the help of the genuine miracles having the perceptional authority, which alone is agreed by atheists.]

To be continued...

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