Shri Datta Swami

 07 Jul 2018


Brahmajnaana Samhitaa: Part-13

(Scripture of Knowledge of God)
UTTARĀRDHA CARCĀ (Second Half Part Discussion)


16)  दत्तदेवस्य दश प्रवृत्ति शासनानि धर्म-संस्कार-अन्न-कुल-लिङ्ग-उपनयन-गायत्री-सेवा-दान-श्रद्धा-प्रतिफलाशा-परिवर्तन विषयाङ्गानि ।

16)  Dattadevasya daśa pravṛtti śāsanāni dharma-saṃskāra-anna-kula-liṅga-

upanayana-gāyatrī-sevā-dāna-śraddhā-pratiphalāśā-parivartana viṣayāṅgāni ।

Ten Commandments Related to Worldly Life (Pravrutti) spoken by God Datta are:-

i) You Must Follow Justice in Pravrutti or Worldly Life:-

In pravrutti, there is no personal relationship with God. You are just an employee in the office of God (employer) and you will be subjected to the fruits of heaven and hell based on your merits and defects. Hence, you shall always be very alert and careful in your qualities and deeds, which alone decide your fruits. This path is called as ‘Markaṭa Kishora Nyaaya’ in which the mother monkey is walking with its child, which caught the stomach of mother monkey and the total responsibility of the grip lies on the child.

Unless you succeed in Pravrutti, you can’t enter Nivrutti or spiritual life. Pravrutti is not a separate parallel line of Nivrutti since it is the first part of the single line of Nivrutti. Without reaching the success in Pravrutti or intermediate station, you can’t attain the success in Nivrutti or final station. A girl wanted to marry the head of an office and joined as an employee in the office. She must follow the rules and conduct of the office set by the head to create first good impression in his mind (Pravrutti) before proposing marriage with him (Nivrutti). Pravrutti is your behaviour with the co-human beings and Nivrutti is to develop personal relationship with God. Pravrutti is the minimum and maximum expectation of God from you, which involves promotions (heaven) and punishments (hell) in the office of God whereas God never aspires Nivrutti from you (since Nivrutti is your desire), who, in fact, discourages you through severe tests in Nivrutti. You shall remove your illusion that God is interested in Nivrutti like you.

The Three Basic Rigid Rules of God in Pravrutti Are:- a) Avoiding illegal Sex, b) Avoiding violence starting from hurting other souls (except teaching kids involving mild punishments) up to killing other living beings for food and enjoyment (except legal punishments) and c) Avoiding stealing others’ wealth and money through force and cheating by corruption. Even if you escape the punishments for your sins here through tricks and bribe, you are sure to be punished by the Unimaginable God in unimaginable ways. Faith in God and enlightenment in the spiritual knowledge must be the main line of education from bottom to top whereas professional education must be a side line only.

ii) You Must Understand the Subject of Rituals:-

Spiritual knowledge must be conveyed clearly in every ritual followed by singing sweet devotional songs to develop devotion to God. This is the main purpose of the priest in any ritual of any religion. Mere blind recitation of the scripture is of no use. The priest must concentrate on the explanation of the meaning of the scripture and not on blind recitation like a tape recorder. The priest must use the book of the scripture for reading and need not recite it blindly without explanation. The priest shall spend all the time in studying the meaning of the scripture and shall not waste even a minute in blind recitation. The performer of the ritual must offer money to such true priest only doing the expected divine duty. The priest shall not demand for offering of money. The performer can pay as per his capacity (Shakti) or impression about the priest (Bhakti), whichever is minimum. Even if the performer doesn’t pay anything, the priest shall do the ritual with full sincerity thinking that he is participating in the God’s work of propagating spiritual knowledge and devotion. He shall have full faith in God that God will take care of all his necessities while involved in God’s work. The priests reciting the scripture blindly without explanation must be discouraged by the performer of the ritual demanding for explanation. Lot of time is spent by them in blind recitation, which can be used in studying the meaning of the scripture. It is the duty of the performer of the ritual to boycott such priests so that they are forced not to repeat the same blind recitation at least in the case of their children for the next generation.

iii) You Must Not Do Wastage of Food:-

God synthesized food from all the five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) for the sake of living beings. If you waste the food, God will be insulted and becomes very furious. The wasted food also pollutes the environment causing diseases in good people, which is a sin. Ghee (clarified butter) is very precious food and shall not be burnt in physical fire. It shall be burnt in the hunger fire (Vaishvaanara Agni) of living being. Burning food materials in fire, burning oil in lamps, candles, sticks (Dhuni) and other materials unnecessarily must be avoided since God has no link with such foolish acts. The Veda and the Gita say that God is the light of lights. All such acts cause environmental pollution harming the society and only demons harm the society.

It is a shame on the government and rich people staying in a village or city if a beggar dies with hunger. Beggar homes must be constructed and maintained in every village and city with the help of government and rich people so that every deserving beggar (child, old person, diseased and disabled) shall be given food, cloth, medicine and shelter. Beggars, who are able to do work, must be provided with work. The social service shall start from bottom level always.

iv) You Must be Above Caste and Gender:-

All the human beings are evolved from God only, who is the divine Father and differentiation of caste by birth is against the Gita. Caste system is based purely on qualities and professional deeds only and not on birth. Differentiating gender is climax of ignorance. Females were suppressed in Hinduism in the middle period in which the priests never studied the meaning of the scripture except doing its blind recitation. In the ancient period of sages, females were equally treated with males in all aspects. In the middle period, the male domination was established by these priests. The property of the parents was linked to male issues only since they alone can do the death rituals of parents. For this, the females were denied even reciting the scripture, which was linked to a ritual of putting three threads as cross belt and this ritual was denied to females. For the sake of economic suppression, they were suppressed from the knowledge of the scripture. It is a shame on any religion if the females and certain castes by birth were suppressed based on birth.

v) You Must Realize That Upanayanam and Gaayatri are Universal:-

Upanayanam means becoming close to God and Gaayatri means singing sweet devotional songs. Both these are not confined to the ritual in which three threads are put as cross belt and to initiating the child to a verse written in Gaayatri meter. Both these words taken in the basic true sense are universal, irrespective of caste, gender and religion. A saint is respected by all when he leaves the cross belt and leaves reciting the verse written in Gaayatri meter. Catching the cross belt having three threads is only a symbolic representation of the concept that God in human form associated with a medium having three qualities (Sattvam-awareness, Rajas-inert energy and Tamas-matter) is essential since non-mediated Unimaginable God can’t be worshipped. The meaning of the repeated verse is also the same that God in human form coming as Sadguru (Divine spiritual preacher) kindles intelligence to do analysis of spiritual knowledge. By this, one shall leave the ego of caste and gender.

vi) You Must Do Social Service Along with Spiritualism:-

It means serving the humanity so that one can avoid the repulsion between common media and identify God in human form. You shall not forget the main purpose of the social service, which is done to overcome ego and jealousy towards co-human forms so that you can identify the human incarnation of God. Hence, social service shall be always mixed with spiritual knowledge and devotion. Otherwise, mere social service will give you heaven there or the temporary post of minister (like temporary heaven) here as in the case of a politician doing only social service for votes. The fruit of mere social service is only temporary heaven or temporary post of a minister and one shall return to his original position after some time.

vii) You Must Do Donation to Deserving Only:-

Donation must be done to deserving receiver and must not be done to undeserving receiver. Not donating to deserving and donating to undeserving – both are sins. You must donate to the priest in the ritual provided he performs his duty perfectly in propagating spiritual knowledge and devotion. Deservingness of the receiver is the most important aspect of any donation and not other factors like place and time. Generally, devotees are in hurry to do donation based on place (holy place) and time (festival). While donating to a poor person, you shall not see deservingness since it is emergent. You must donate money to priest and material to poor. Poor people are generally affected by vices and money will be spoiled. Hence, social service must be associated with preaching the spiritual knowledge by which vices can be avoided.

viii) You Must Perform the Rituals for Departed Souls in Proper Way:-

These rituals are universal without any interference of caste, gender and religion. In the name of the departed souls, offering food, cloths and money shall be done to deserving good people based on their conduct and character in the worldly life. The present priests are the most undeserving since they blindly recite the scripture without knowing and explaining its meaning to develop the devotion to God. The hymns recited in any ritual including this are either in the praise of God or in giving instructions of the practical steps involved in honoring the eaters. If you praise God in any language (since God is omniscient), following these practical steps, the ritual is done in far better way than the present conservative rituals in which the scripture is read in Sanskrit language without explanation. Hence, these rituals are not confined to a particular religion or language and are universal. The food given to the deserving eater has no link with the food of the departed soul since the departed soul in the energetic body takes only energy as its food (like rays of Sun, Moon etc.) as told in the scripture itself. But, we need not find fault with the tradition saying that the food offered here to a deserving eater becomes the food of the departed soul. Even though it is a lie, it serves good purpose to make even a greedy person to perform the ritual (fearing that the departed souls suffer with hunger) and such lie told for a good purpose, called as ‘arthavaada’, is not a sin. Actually, the food given to a deserving priest generates good fruit (called as apuurvam) that helps the performer of ritual and the departed soul. If receiver is undeserving, punishment is generated since it is sin. Even the ritual falling on the death date of the departed soul can be postponed (as done in the case of eclipse of sun and moon falling on the death date-ritual) if a deserving eater is not available. As far as possible, you must try for a deserving eater having good ethical behavior. The Veda says that the eater becomes deserving provided he is a scholar of spiritual knowledge of the Veda without aspiring anything in return from you (śrotriyasya cākāmahatasya).

ix) You Must Not Ask God for Boons And for Removal of Difficulties:-

Even though the soul did good deeds continuously for a span of time and did bad deeds continuously in the next span of time, God, being the Divine Father of souls, mixes these good and bad fruits to arrange them alternatively and prepares the cycles of lives of souls so that good or bad fruit continuously enjoyed does not bore the soul. The souls being totally ignorant praise God for giving good fruits and for avoiding bad fruits. No fruit can be given or avoided without link to its related deed. You must enjoy the fruits of both good and bad deeds at any time with added interests and this is inevitable (avaśyamanubhoktavyam…). When you force God through prayers, He will draw forward the good fruits from the future life cycle with reduced values and grants them as boons. When you pray God for removing the difficulties (which are punishments of sins), He will push these punishments to next life cycle with added interests. You think that God being soaped by your clever prayers has given you good fruit even though you have not done its related good deed and has removed your bad fruit forever even though you have done its related bad deed! This will lead to future life cycles fully filled with difficulties only from birth to death as we can observe in the world. Hence, your worship to God must be always based on real love, which is not based on aspiration for any fruit in return. Sometimes, God uses your punishment that started according to the life cycle for the sake of testing you and hence, you cannot blame God that you have undergone unnecessary strain created by God without your bad deed.

x) You Must Reform Yourself by Not Repeating Any Sin:-

If you stop repeating the sins from today onwards after realization from spiritual knowledge and repentance based on devotion, all the punishments of the pending sins (samchita) including the present punishment (praarabdha) get cancelled so that you are relieved from all miseries forever. If your reformation is not perfect, your present punishment may not be cancelled as per the concept of Shankara. Except this one way of practical reformation, you can’t avoid tensions of difficulties through any method like practice of Yoga, thinking that you are God through monism, worship of God etc. Yoga means equal enjoyment of happiness and misery like sweet and hot dishes in a meal. You are failing in this Yoga only due to lack of reformation. The punishment is aimed at temporary reformation of the soul by creating fear in its mind. If the soul attained permanent reformation, there is no need of the punishment of the sin and hence, gets cancelled. Mere devotion without this reformation can’t relieve you from the miseries (salvation) as said in the Gita (kshipraṃ bhavati dharmātmā). Even if you don’t please God by doing good deeds, at least don’t make God to become furious on you by doing sins.


17)  दत्तदेवस्य दश निवृत्ति शासनानि एकदेव-परमतसहन-नरावतार-कर्मयोग-द्वैत-विश्लेषण-स्वार्थरहरितभक्ति-सद्गुरु-ज्ञानभक्तिसेवा-विज्ञान विषयान्यङ्गानि ।

17)  Dattadevasya daśa nivṛtti śāsanāni ekadeva-paramatasahana-

narāvatāra-karmayoga-dvaita-viśleṣaṇa-svārtharaharitabhakti-sadguru-jñānabhaktisevā-vijñāna viṣayānyaṅgāni ।

Ten Commandments Related to Spiritual Life (Nivrutti) spoken by God Datta are:-

i) You Must Treat Gods of All Religions As One God Only:-

In Nivrutti, the fruit is eternal and far far higher than the temporary fruits in pravrutti (nivṛttistu mahāphalā). You have developed a special and personal bond with God and hence, God will always take care of you like a house owner taking the responsibility of his family member. If necessary, God will undergo your punishments and save you. This is called as ‘Maarjaala Kishora Nyaaya’ in which the mother cat carries its child by holding it with mouth.

Actually, God is unimaginable being beyond the space. The Veda says that God is the generator of the space. The generated space can’t exist in its generator before its generation. Hence, God is beyond space and can never be imagined even if you try for millions of years. Such God entered the first energetic form (called as Datta or Father of Heaven) and merged with it to become God expressed. This Father of heaven merges with several energetic and human beings to become several energetic and human incarnations. Hence, the internal God in every divine form is one and the same, who created this one Earth with one humanity. If you scold any divine form of the unimaginable God, you are scolding the God of your own religion itself. You can worship the God of your religion strictly without looking at other religions. But, you shall not criticize Gods of other religions since God is only one in different divine forms of different religions satisfying different tastes of different devotees based on their individual religious cultures.

If a conservative argues with you that his religious God alone is the savior and the scripture told by Him alone can save any soul in the world, you must refute conservative logic of the opponent with the following argument:- God incarnated in your country only and spoke the scripture to your people only. A long span of time passed away in which some generations in our country could not get the opportunity to coming in contact with the scripture told by your God since our country was disconnected with your country in this long span of time. These unfortunate generations in our country have gone to hell for their no fault. You say that your God created the entire earth and the entire humanity. If so, why did He not communicate the same scripture in the same time when it was revealed to your people? Is it not reasonless partiality? If you say that your country alone contained good people, it is not correct because your God was crucified by bad people existing at that time in your country only! You can’t give a reasonable answer for this, but I can give reasonable answer by saying that the same God came to different countries from the beginning of the creation in different forms and gave the same subject in various scriptures through various languages. Everywhere, those, who believed the scripture went to God and those who did not believe it went to hell. Now, there is no unnecessary partiality on God, who is the divine father of entire humanity. Same criticism applies to every conservative religion.

ii) You Must Have Tolerance to Other Religions:-

You should follow any theistic religion in the world, whichever you like. You should never follow the religion of atheism. In atheism also, you shall reject its main point, which is non-existence of God. You shall honor two points in atheism, which are:- a) that soul is not God since it is the product of inert energy generated from digestion of food that is transformed into a specific work called as awareness in a specific functioning nervous system and b) that the magic exhibited as miracles by false God-men must be disproved. You must understand the unity of all religions (except atheism in its main point) since all theistic religions unite in the fundamental point that God exists. Every religion has its own merits established by the founders and defects introduced by some defective followers. You must appreciate the merits of other religions, become friendly to them and then show their defects politely, if they are in the mood of absorption of truth and this must be done for their welfare only and not to mock and insult them. In such discussions, you must be always cool and polite creating an atmosphere of peace and love. You shall convince others that the discussion is only to find out the truth and shall accept the view of the opponent also if it is found to be true finally. You must not deal the discussion on the line of success and defeat of a debate-war. You must explain all these points in the beginning of discussion and must congratulate the opponent for good arguments even his/her argument is found wrong.

iii) You Must Recognize Human incarnation:-

Human incarnation is the most relevant form of God for the humanity here and every human being is missing God here due to ego and jealousy towards co-human forms based on repulsion between common media (human body of God and human body of human being). The same soul goes to upper worlds after leaving this gross body and entering a new energetic body. In the upper worlds, the most relevant form of God is energetic body. Due to the same repulsion between common media (energetic body of God and energetic body of human soul), the soul misses God there also. As a result, the soul misses God always and everywhere. If the soul wants success in Nivrutti, it should avoid ego and jealousy towards common medium. To achieve this, the soul shall participate in the service of humanity treating every human form as God.

iv) You Must Concentrate on Practical Philosophy:-

Practical Philosophy or Karma yoga consists of two sub-divisions: a) Sacrifice of work (Karma samnyaasa) and b) sacrifice of fruit of work (Karma phala tyaaga) as emphasized in the Veda and the Gita. Saints must do sacrifice of work only and householders must do both. Karma yoga alone gives the practical fruit since God said in the Gita that He will approach you in the same way in which you have approached Him. Karma yoga is like the mango plant yielding the practical fruit. Spiritual knowledge is like water and devotion is like manure helping this plant. In the case of Nivrutti, you must avoid prostitution devotion (aspiring practical fruits from God for your theoretical knowledge and devotion) and business devotion (aspiring practical fruits for practical devotion). In Nivrutti, you must follow the issue-devotion (not aspiring any fruit for your practical devotion), which alone gives the ultimate divine fruit practically from God.

v) Be Always in Dualism with God:-

The incarnation results when unimaginable God merges with imaginable medium (energetic being or human being). God uses the medium to fulfill the burning desire of certain climax devotees, who wished to see, talk and serve God directly. A chance may fall on you and you may become the human incarnation. God merges with you completely and perfect monism results. Still, you must think always that you are the servant of God and not God like Rama, who never accepted that He is God. Hanuman is also an incarnation of God acting as a devotee to the human incarnation standing as an ideal for the devotees of human incarnation. Hanuman was God, but behaved like a devotee only. He could have lifted the hill while remaining in small body (like Krishna), but, lifted the hill by growing His body and this miraculous power comes under the eight miraculous powers that can be attained by devotees by the grace of God. You shall not think and express that you are God like Parashurama and get insulted by Shri Rama, who is human incarnation of God, but, never agreed that He is God since He came down to set an example for the human being component present in the human incarnation. As long as you are in dualism with God, your monism with God continues. Once you enter into monism with God, God will quit you resulting in dualism and insult as in the case of Parashurama! This is reverse in the case of climax devotees worshipping you as God. Once they think that you are not God, they are lost. As long as they think that you are the God expressed, they gain. This means that you shall be silent when your devotees praise you as God thinking inside that you are the servant of God. This diplomacy is the mechanism of the success of incarnation.

Shankara told that the soul is God in order to convert atheists into theists. He plotted a three-step trick to convert them, which is:- i) You are God, ii) You exist and iii) Hence, God exists. He is a divine preacher (Sadguru), who can twist the truth for the welfare of the then existing human beings unlike a scholar, who is worried of truth without any twist. Then, He told that the atheist must worship God to get purity of mind so that he can practically become God with all miraculous powers. Then Ramanuja entered saying that the soul is a part of God creating an intermediate stage between monism-sky and dualism-ground so that the soul is not suddenly discouraged completely. Then Madhva came and told that there is vast difference between God and soul except that both are made of awareness giving a tiny consolation. Now, Dattaswami comes and says that there is no point of any similarity between unimaginable God and imaginable soul. Understanding all these steps, you shall always remain as servant of God keeping Hanuman as your ideal in worshiping human incarnation (Rama) and keep Rama as ideal while you are the human incarnation. Shri Rama and Hanuman are actually incarnations of God, but always acted in the roles of a human being component in human incarnation and a servant to God in human form in order to set examples for the souls becoming human incarnations and becoming devotees of human incarnations respectively.

vi) Accept Scripture Only After Analysis:-

Even the Veda (vedānta vijñāna, suniścitārthāḥ) and the Gita (vimṛśyaitat...) say that you shall accept their statements only after doing perfect analysis to get the right conclusion. You must take these statements also as authority if you take the Veda and the Gita as authority. Why is God asking us to analyze His own statements before accepting them? The reason is that God knows very well that in the future some fraud followers of the religion will insert their opinions into the text of the scripture. You must analyze every statement of the scripture thinking it as genuine based on the concept of giving benefit of doubt. If right interpretation comes in any angle, you can refute the wrong interpretation taken from it. If no right interpretation comes in any angle for the statement, you must reject it saying that God will never speak illogical and unjust concepts and such statement is only insertion by some false follower. You must never accept the forced unjust and illogical interpretation of the statement believing blindly that it is told by God. After all, there is no audio-video cassette taken while God is speaking!

vii) You Must Concentrate in Developing Selfless Practical Love in Any Bond You Like with God:-

God can be loved as father, mother, brother, sister, wife, darling etc. The nature of the bond is not important but the selfless practical love in it brings the value. Small statues of parrots and donkeys made with sugar are available as sweets in sweet shops. The rate to be paid depends on the quantity of sugar and not on the form of the statue! People say that Radha is the highest devotee since she had romance with God. Romance can’t be the criterion since even a prostitute does romance in which the love is fully selfish by grabbing the money from the other side. Radha left her life after the exit of Krishna. But, see the case of Hanuman. He thought of committing suicide when He could not find Sita in Lanka. He tore His heart with His nails to show Rama in His heart. Both these incidents happened while Rama was alive! What I mean is that both Hanuman and Radha are the topmost devotees since Radha could not get such opportunities in her life. Draupadi loved Krishna as brother. The eight wives loved Krishna as husband linked with romance. When the finger of Krishna was cut by the sugarcane, all the eight wives ran here and there for the search of a piece of cloth to be used as bandage. But Draupadi tore her costly sari present on her body for the same piece of cloth. She showed more selfless love than others. Krishna protected her by giving infinite number of saris while she was insulted in the court of kauravas. Not only this, Krishna saw that all kauravas are destroyed for the sake of happiness of Draupadi and for that He was prepared to take the curse from Gandhari (mother of kauravas), which resulted in the destruction of all His family!

viii) You Must Catch Sadguru or Human Incarnation, Who is The Guide And Also the Goal:-

Sadguru is like the class teacher teaching you the complicated concepts. Guru is like the teacher helping you in your study hours. Sadguru may become Guru, but, reverse is not possible. Sadguru tests your practical sacrifice without any need for it. A grandfather presented a packet of biscuits to his daughter or daughter-in-law for the sake of his grandson. The mother gives a biscuit to her son without informing about the grandfather based on his instruction. Now, the grandson is eating the biscuit. The grandfather begs for a bit of the biscuit to test the love of the boy on him. Sadguru is like that grandfather as we see Shirdi Sai Baba asking offering of money. The same offering given to a Guru is like giving a bit of the biscuit to a hungry person, who is in need of it. Some people cleverly color their greediness by saying that God, the all-giver, is not in need. In the case of Sadguru, you must prove your theoretical devotion through practical sacrifice and in His case, both are essential since He is not in need like Guru. Theory is the source of practice and theory must be always enclosed with practice like an application for job must be enclosed with copies of certificates of qualifications and experience.

ix) You Must Complete Spiritual Knowledge First and Then Proceed To Devotion and Sacrifice:-

Shankara came first and stressed on spiritual knowledge. Then Ramanuja came and stressed on devotion. Then Madhva came and stressed on service. Hence, this is the sequence of the three steps in spiritual path. When you hear the details of Mumbai city (knowledge), you develop attraction to see it (devotion) and then take up the practical journey (practical service). Devotion is emotion, which leads into practical service. Before devotion, if the basic right conclusion derived from right analysis of spiritual knowledge is present, the devotion and service proceed in right direction. If the first step is wrong, the other two steps are also wrong. Even if you are running (practice) with full speed (devotion), if your direction is opposite to the right goal, you are going far and far from the right goal and in such case, devotion and practice are not only useless but also harmful! Today, lot of devotion and service exist in spiritual path, but both are in wrong direction since both are based on aspiration for some fruit in return from God. The need of this hour is propagation of right spiritual knowledge and not devotion or service.

The devotion shall be selfless love and nature of bond with God is immaterial and is selected by the devotee only and not by God. Sages in the previous birth itself selected God as darling involving bond of romance. Such bond was not selected by God, but selected by the devotees only as per their personal taste, which differs from one to the other. God sang songs on flute, the subject of which is only the same subject revealed in the Gita. In fact, the Gita is spoken in verses following ‘anushtup’ meter and these poems are not songs. But, they are termed as songs (Gita) because the same subject was sung by God in the form of songs on flute. Other epics like the Ramayanam etc., were also written in the same meter and were not called by the name ‘Gita’. Sages born as Gopikas could understand these songs on flute very well since they have spent millions of births in the debates of spiritual knowledge. Before proceeding to the type of devotion desired by sages, once again God gave sufficient spiritual knowledge to these sages through songs on flute so that to see whether they are still firm on the nature of the bond selected by them in previous birth. Not only this, He warned them also that dancing with Him will lead them to hell, but still, they were firm on the nature of their desired bond. The service done by Gopikas in sacrificing the fruit (butter) of their work was also to test their theoretical love proved by practical sacrifice only and not for any selfish need since Krishna had plenty of butter in His house. God does not require any sacrifice of service, which is given to us as an opportunity for our upliftment only. If God uplifts us without our service, it will become partiality. Hence, service itself is the fruit given to us for our selfless devotion and the fruit can’t have another fruit. Hence, we shall serve the God without aspiring for any fruit.

x) You Must Be A Scientist and Not an atheist:-

Science keeps silent on the unimaginable God because it is unable to explain the unimaginable events called as genuine miracles, the source of which is unimaginable God. In any book of science, you don’t find a chapter called as ‘Refutation of God and Miracles’, whereas the books on atheism have only this one chapter! The silence of science is perfect indicating that God is beyond imagination being beyond space and this point is told by the scriptures also. Atheism blindly says that all miracles are magic without perfect examination and analysis. Ofcourse, certain fraud miracles also exist, which are actually magic and by this you shall not conclude that every miracle is magic. Atheism is always emotional and the intelligence sleeps in emotion. Science is always open to observation and analysis unlike atheism. Science also says that a hypothesis shall be accepted till it is disproved by the subsequent theory. Hence, you shall believe the explanation of the performer of genuine miracles at least till you disprove the genuine miracle also as magic. Science accepts the existence of unimaginable domain by accepting the unimaginable boundary of the universe. The unimaginable boundary of the universe and frequently exhibited unimaginable-genuine miracles establish the existence of unimaginable God, who punishes the sinners through unimaginable ways even if they escape the law here through tricks. By this, pravrutti is protected on which only nivrutti is based.

If an atheist asks you to show the hell in this space, you must give the following argument:-

In this infinite space, I can’t show the existence of hell to you. Similarly, since space is infinite, you can’t take me all around the space and prove the non-existence of hell to me. A 50:50 probability of existence and non-existence results here. A wise person shall select the probability having lesser risk. If you believe in the hell and do not do any sin, you are not lost in any way even if the hell is absent. If you take the other probability of non-existence of hell and do sins, you are totally damaged if the hell exists! Even an atheist shall think about this, if the atheist is wise enough.


।।Brahmajñāna Saṃhitā Samāptā।।

Brahmajnaana Samhitaa is completed.

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