07 Apr 2018
Note: This article is meant for intellectuals only
(Scripture of Knowledge of God)
UTTARĀRDHA CARCĀ (Second Half Part Discussion)
5) वेदान्तविज्ञानं केवल प्रत्यक्षात् विभूतीनां नेन्द्रजाल निरूपितानाम् ।
5) Vedāntavijñānaṃ kevala pratyakṣāt vibhūtīnāṃ nendrajāla nirūpitānām ।
[A miracle is exhibited by unimaginable God present in a human incarnation in this world, which is open to falsifiability or testability for any scientist. Everybody has open chance to disprove it as false magic. Does falsifiability mean that the miracle must be disproved as false? Some genuine miracles also are similar to false magic and may create a doubt in our minds that whether the miracle is false magic. But, there are several miracles, which are testable and leave no trace of scope to be disproved as false magic. A patient suffering with cancer in advanced stage approached Shri Satya Sai Baba, who told “Your cancer is cancelled”. The patient is again tested by doctors, who found the result of test as negative! What type of magic you can expect in this genuine miracle for your testability? The human incarnation will not approach you to get His miraculous powers tested to get a certificate from you! Several top scientists approached Baba and observed the miracles very closely becoming total believers. God shows miracles before such people only about whom He has some hope of transformation in future due to exhibition of a miracle. If there is no such hope, God will not exhibit miracles for getting an appreciation certificate from people. So many people are getting experience of miraculous powers of God in their lives since from a very long past time. Absolute majority of humanity in this world believes in the existence of unimaginable God answering their problems through unimaginable ways. Only a meager minority does not believe in the existence of God. God doesn’t care for this negligible minority. He comes down in to this world only to strengthen the belief of theists so that theists doing sins are controlled and transformed in to real devotees. Spiritual knowledge can be called as spiritual science based on only perception as single authority in the case of genuine miracles, which can never be disproved as false by anybody. Only people fascinated to do sins without fear of inevitable punishments are becoming atheists. Only people burning with jealousy and ego discard personal God or human incarnation and stress on impersonal God.
6) विज्ञानव्यतिरेकं न तत्त्वं यत् पूर्ववर्ति ज्ञानमेव । नास्तिकाः निराकरणलोलाः सर्वदा । नैकस्य दोषात् मूलसर्वसिद्धान्तभङ्गः ।
6) Vijñānavyatirekaṃ na tattvaṃ yat pūrvavarti jñānameva । nāstikāḥ
nirākaraṇalolāḥ sarvadā । naikasya doṣāt mūlasarvasiddhāntabhaṅgaḥ ।
[We give high respects and regards to science for proving several blind spiritual practices as false and controlled several false theists exploiting innocent public in the name of false faiths. We don’t support theists and oppose scientists blindly. Several concepts formulated by ancient sages in logic were proved wrong by science. For example, sound was said to be property of space, which is totally wrong. Sound can’t propagate in space without moving particles. Of course, volume (parimaana) was said to be another property of space and this point is appreciable. Lack of experimental facilities was their drawback. Similarly, some ancient sages felt that awareness is God and this is also proved wrong by science. Science clearly proved that awareness is a specific work form of inert energy generated in a specific functioning nervous system. God is the creator of this entire universe, composed with huge matter and energy. Awareness can’t create even an atom of matter and even a single radiation of energy. This single practical point is sufficient to say that awareness is not God. Thus, science helped the spiritual knowledge in several crucial points. Science gives deep analysis and correct conclusions in studying this creation or imaginable domain, with the help of which we can discard every item of this creation to be God and arrive at the conclusion that whatever leftover is God, who is unimaginable being beyond imaginable domain. This point is exactly told in the Veda (Neti Neti).
While studying divine scriptures, we shall not take the general meanings of the words used in scripture. The words have some inner meanings, which shall be taken carefully. For example, the meaning of lamb used in Christian scripture is God. God is as pure as the most innocent lamb. It is also told that God created this universe in six days. Here, day means step. He created six items in six steps. Space, air, fire, water, earth and awareness. The food contains all the five elements and the life with awareness is generated from food. This is in agreement with evolution, which says that life is generated after creation of inert universe. If you belong to God, you must belong to every religion in the world since same God preached the same subject in different languages and in different styles based on the different cultures.
Our special regards for science are due to one dignified point, which is that science never created a chapter in its books under the headline “Disproving Miracles and God”. This shows that they are keeping silent on unimaginable God, which is the best explanation for God as per scriptures also. This is the difference between science and atheism. Atheism has only one chapter, which is rejection of God and miracles. We agree that some theists exploited public in the name of God and miracles. But, you can’t reject the entire system for the fault of somebody. You can’t say that the examination system itself is wrong if one student copied and passed. You must catch such student and debar him. For his sake, you shall not cancel the entire examination system and harm genuine students! All scientists are not atheists and all atheists are not scientists. Top most scientists like Einstein, Newton etc., were also top most theists. The brain of Einstein was subjected to research!
I am not partial as a fan of scriptures and against to science. All old is not gold and all latest is not the best. It is told that we have to examine both to pick up truths and to reject false on any side (santaḥ parīkṣyānyatarat...). It is also said that a biased fellow drinks salt water from a well saying that his father got that well dug (kṣāraṃ jalaṃ kāpuruṣāḥ...)!
Do not have a poor impression on Me that I am only a scholar of ancient scriptures. I am also a scientist inventing a new supersonic technique for estimating heterogeneity in materials with lot of Research publications. I never studied Sanskrit from anybody. Suddenly knowledge of Sanskrit and scriptures appeared in My brain without studying them. I wrote 100 books in Sanskrit on philosophy by 16 years age. Is it not a genuine miracle of God? Sorry for speaking about Myself. I have to speak this to remove biased impression from your minds.
It is matter of extreme happiness to note Dr. John Lennox, Professor in University of Oxford saying “I don’t reject the explanation of science to reveal the mechanism of boiling the water on stove. I humbly say about the previous step that I wanted to drink coffee for which I have kept the water on the stove”. This is very good explanation, which indicates that creation of universe by God doesn’t oppose science in any way.
You want to observe miracles performed by God in human form personally and study like an examiner asking the student of science for demonstration of a practical experiment to give him pass marks and certificate of degree! This shows the ego in you. You can observe audio-video system in which performance of several miracles among public by Baba were recorded. You can observe those cassettes and satisfy your desire. You are using this system in science also.
April 7, 2018
7) अनेक वैज्ञानिकानां पूर्वपक्ष प्रश्नाः, समाधीयन्ते तदुचितसिद्धान्तैः ।
7) Aneka vaijñānikānāṃ pūrvapakṣa praśnāḥ, samādhīyante
taducitasiddhāntaiḥ ।
[The arguments raised by scientists have been answered as given below:-
i) When a miracle is observed, how can You draw the conclusion about unimaginable God from it?
Swami Replied:- When you also observe a miracle, you are also saying that the cause of the miracle is inexplicable or unimaginable. We also say the same. Such unimaginable cause is called by us as unimaginable God. You need not doubt that the cause of the miracle is some unimaginable phenomenon or power and is not the source of unimaginable power to be called as unimaginable God. Any number of unimaginable items result only in one unimaginable item, called as unimaginable God by us. In imaginable items, imaginable phenomenon is different from imaginable power, which is different from imaginable source. Such distinction is not possible in unimaginable domain. Even this domain is unimaginable God only. Hence, you need not argue with us on this point since whatever is concluded by you is also concluded by us, which is that the phenomenon of a genuine miracle is unimaginable.
ii) Knowledge of inference or induction is always doubtful. You are inferring unimaginable God from miracle?
Swami Replied:- When we observe the miracle, the miracle is visible to our eyes (indriyārtha sannikarṣaḥ) and this is clear perception. From this miracle, we are drawing the knowledge of the existence of unimaginable mechanism, called as unimaginable God. This knowledge drawn from the perceived miracle is deduction of perception and not induction of inference. Even in the inference, unless you come with proof of contradiction (vyatireka), our correlation (anvaya) is not affected to cause the doubt. Correlation means the existence of effect (smoke) wherever its cause (fire) exists, so that we can extend this to any case and this extension is called as ‘vyaapti’. The contradiction comes on seeing the fog, which is the same smoke. The fog does not lead you to the fire and hence, this is a contradiction (avyaapti due to vyatireka). On seeing smoke coming from hill, it may lead to the actual fire existing on the hill or may not lead to the fire if it is fog. ‘Fog does not lead you to fire’ is already established proof of contradiction. Since, you have come with proved contradiction, both correlation and contradiction have equal probability resulting in doubt (samshaya). You may say that magic looking like miracle is the contradiction. We agree to this and say that the case here is genuine miracle about which you have also drawn the conclusion that its phenomenon is unimaginable. Hence, the observation of miracle is totally perception and not inference. Since perception is your single authority, the statement to say that genuine miracle is unimaginable is common to both of us since you have also drawn the same conclusion. You may say that you will explain the phenomenon by tomorrow. Ok, we welcome it and wish you full success also. But, till tomorrow, atleast till the end of today, you must accept that the phenomenon is unimaginable and we call this phenomenon as unimaginable God. Such acceptance is a tradition of your science also.
iii) The phenomenon and its explanation must be natural as in science.
Swami Replied:- The genuine miracle is natural since you are also seeing with your big eyes clearly existing in nature. Natural means that which is seen in nature or creation or this world. The miracle is natural. The phenomenon of the miracle is beyond the explicable laws of nature and hence, its explanation can’t be done with the help of the natural laws already understood by you. If there is such possibility, you could have explained the miracle. You also agree that such possibility never exists and hence, you also call the phenomenon of the miracle to be beyond nature. If you say that since the explanation is beyond natural laws, it should be rejected due to absence of natural explanation, this is horrible step on your side. This means that if you are unable to explain anything, it should be thrown out! You are fencing yourself in your very limited area. The genuine miracle is seen by the public also. You must explain the phenomenon of the miracle to the public and disprove it as false magic. It is your responsibility. If you escape from your responsibility, you will be rejected by the public. When the scented nectar is flowing from the photos of God before a crowd of devotees, you must prove it as false magic or you must give the mechanism of such phenomenon through the natural laws. A fellow defeated in boxing falling down keeps his hand on the back of the winner sitting on him and says that he has won! Your argument is just like this!
iv) Is it true that whenever Baba created an item, that item used to disappear from some shop?
[Some of the devotees only say that whenever an item is created by Baba, that item disappeared from some shop and appeared here. Such case is not genuine creation of matter. The law of conservation of energy or matter is maintained.]
Swami Replied:- Some of our devotees, who are jealous about the Human Incarnation speak like that. Assuming that what they speak is true, even such disappearance of an item in one place and re-appearance in another place itself is unimaginable. Can such devotees do this miracle so that let an item disappear in one place and re-appear in another place (in their hands)! Whenever Baba created some items by moving His hand, Dr. Suri Bhagavantam, a famous scientist, was thinking in similar way, having faith in law of conservation of energy or matter. One day, he went to Baba with his fellow scientists to see Him for the first time. Then, Baba moved His hand and produced a photo in which Baba along with all those scientists appeared. Baba gave the photo to Dr. Bhagavantam and asked that whether his doubt was cleared! Since, such situation never existed before and such photo was not taken previously, the creation of the photo of the present first time situation removed such doubt of the famous scientist! Several top most scientists have gone to Baba, closely observed the genuine miracles and became strong devotees. Baba always welcomed the examination of His miracles by anybody standing closely. The panel of scientists set by you to examine the genuine miracles is not superior to these top most scientists, who observed Baba for about a long span of 75 years of the life time of Baba (Baba started doing miracles as a boy of 10 years)!
v) How can you extend the concept of unimaginable God beyond the boundary of world?
Swami Replied:- When the genuine miracle has proved the existence of unimaginable item and when the impossibility to reach the boundary of the universe is common to both of us, how can you put this question to Me? If you take Me to the boundary of the universe and show to Me that only imaginable item exists beyond the boundary of world, I will withdraw My statement. The perceptional proof is absent for both of us, but, I can justify that the unimaginable item existing beyond boundary can’t be touched and hence, the boundary is constantly expanding. If imaginable item exists beyond the boundary of universe, it means that the imaginary universe has no boundary since it is infinite. If the imaginable domain only exists as infinite, it means that there is no unimaginable domain. In such case, how do you explain with genuine miracles seen in this world by you also as unimaginable? Your proposal can’t give a meaningful explanation for the constant expansion of universe proposed by science only. Our proposal explains it with a good meaningful theory, which is:- Since nobody can touch the unimaginable God beyond the universe, you can never reach the unimaginable God. In order to make this as possible, the universe is constantly expanding.
vi) Is the theory of cause and effect not scientific as proved by quantum mechanics?
[Determinism means a necessary link between cause and effect. The previous state of world in the beginning of creation was at random. A single state has several probabilities of different effects. So, the theory of cause and effect is not scientific as proved by quantum mechanics.]
Swami Replied:- A single cause can have different probabilities of giving various effects. A single lump of mud can give rise to pot, jug, plate, doll etc. This is diversity of the effect. At the same time, all these effects are as black as the lump of mud. This unavoidable link (black colour) between cause and effect (determinism) stands as the unity in diversity of various effects. Determinism stands well in saying that a living being can never be produced from the lump of mud since inert mud shall produce only inert objects. Randomness or entropy is spontaneous phenomenon of the universe. The initial state is justified to exist so. But, the unimaginable God as intellectual cause being omniscient and omnipotent decreases the entropy so that the whole universe is forced to be bound with a regular design. Such maintenance of universe is done by unimaginable God, called as God Vishnu (the maintainer of world). In case of the absence of God, this universe must have lost regularity in it and should not have been in the present well maintained state and this proves the existence of God!
vii) Can You prove the existence of God independently without the help of miracles?
[First, You prove that the existence of unimaginable God independently is true without the help of miracles. Then, if You apply the miracles to such God, it will be a natural explanation.]
Swami Replied:- Wonderful! Newton invented law of gravitational force on seeing the apple falling from the tree. If you also say to Newton that he should prove the existence of the law of gravitational force without such observation of examples and then the examples must be applied to the law, which will be scientific natural explanations, how it looks! Observation of an incident only leads to the establishment of a law or concept. Since miracles were observed, the existence of unimaginable God was concluded by humanity. Once upon a time, even angels became proud of their victory in the war over demons and thought that the victory was not due to the grace of God but due to their capacities! Then God appeared and threw a dry blade of grass before them asking the deity of fire to burn it, asking the deity of air to throw it and so on asking other deities to prove their powers. All failed and realized the existence of unimaginable God. Unless the incident of dry blade of grass was created, such realization about the existence of unimaginable God could not have come even to the brains of angels! What to speak about human beings?
(To be continued…)
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