25 Mar 2018
Note: This article is meant for intellectuals only
(Scripture of Knowledge of God)
UTTARĀRDHA CARCĀ (Second Half Part Discussion)
3) विज्ञानेऽप्यनिश्चितत्त्वसूत्रात् अनूह्यमपि सदेव ।
3) Vijñāne'pyaniścitattvasūtrāt anūhyamapi sadeva ।
[Unimaginable God is undetectable by our human brains. ‘Undetectable’ does not mean that it does not exist. The simultaneous position and momentum of electron are undetectable by the most sophisticated electron microscope. When this instrument is used, the focussed beam attacks the electron and its position is disturbed. Hence, this microscope is unable to detect the exact position of the electron and hence, is unable to calculate the simultaneous momentum of the electron in its original position. This does not mean that the exact position and simultaneous momentum of electron do not co-exist. They exist, but, are undetectable to the instrument since the equipment used is crude before the sensitivity of the values of electron.
This is propounded by Heisenberg as Uncertainty Principle in Science. Similarly, the sensitivity of the status of unimaginable God is very sharp compared to the crudeness of the imagination done by our intelligence-equipment. God, being the generator of space, does not have space in Him. The product can’t exist in its cause before its generation and if it exists, it is said to be existent even before its generation, which is impossible. God, having no space or spatial dimensions in Him, has no length, width and height. He is beyond space, having no volume. Any item beyond space can never be imagined by anybody even on concentrating for millions of years! Therefore, God exists, even though unimaginable for our intelligence.]
4) अनूह्यस्य एकत्वात् विभूतिदृश्यनोह्यशक्तिः परब्रह्मैव नेन्द्रजालं दूरेऽपि दर्शनात् ।
4) Anūhyasya ekatvāt vibhūtidṛśyanohyaśaktiḥ parabrahmaiva nendrajālaṃ dūre'pi darśanāt ।
[You should not argue that the existence of unimaginable God should be verified through natural explanations and not by unnatural or unscientific explanations. Nature means creation. Every item in the creation has spatial dimensions and hence, is not beyond space. It is having spatial dimensions and is imaginable. Your objection is that God is to be explained through natural concepts. We can explain the existence of unimaginable God even though we can’t explain the nature of God. The Veda also says that only the existence of God can be proved and not His nature (Astītyeva…, Atarkyaḥ…). We never say that we will explain the nature of God. We openly say that God is unimaginable, which means that the nature of God is beyond imagination. But, we can explain and prove the existence of God through natural concepts. If we examine a genuine miracle, it involves natural items and natural concepts only.
Whenever the recent human incarnation Shri Satya Sai Baba created sacred ash or some material, His hand creating that is visible and natural. The rotation of His hand in circular way is also visible and natural. The produced item from space is also visible and natural. Only the mechanism or power of production of an item from space is unimaginable. All these visible natural items and natural processes indicate the final result that an item from the space is produced in unimaginable way. Hence, the unimaginable mechanism or power exists. We say that this unimaginable power or mechanism itself is unimaginable God because there can’t exist two unimaginable items. Any number of unimaginable items result only as one unimaginable item. Hence, we can’t say that there exists unimaginable God and separately unimaginable power. Hence, this unimaginable power itself is unimaginable God. We use the terminology like unimaginable God and unimaginable power for the sake of explaining to the human brains, which are based on the worldly logic. In the world, we find the source of power like Sun and his power like Sunlight as two different items. Based on this worldly logic only we use the terms unimaginable God and unimaginable power separately for a better clarification to the human brains. Therefore, once the existence of unimaginable power is proved, the existence of unimaginable God is proved by itself. Hence, the existence of unimaginable God is testable, which is the basic requirement of science for the proof of any concept. Hence, the existence of unimaginable God is to be accepted through the authority of perception and its deductive knowledge, which alone is believed by science as single authority.
There is no need of inference and its inductive knowledge in the explanation of the genuine miracle. The testability can be implemented by the scientist in seeing that such generation of an item from the space is not through the magic. In this point, it is open. The generation of divine ash and special scented nectar from the photos of Baba and other forms of God were also clearly visible and proved beyond any doubt, which can’t be misinterpreted as magic. A magician may generate a hidden item from the hand through magic. But, sacred ash and nectar can’t be generated by his photos which are existing far from him! Hence, the testability of genuine miracle is proved beyond any doubt, which clearly establishes the existence of unimaginable God.]
(To be continued…)
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