Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Aug 2021


Can we say that creation itself is the creator if the body of God Datta is Adiparashakti, which is part of creation?

[Ms. Thryloka asked: Swami, in a recent answer, You said that anything created is Ādiparāshakti and the creator of everything is Purusha (Unimaginable God). You also said that the beautiful body of God Datta itself is Ādiparasakti. Combining the above two statements gives the conclusion that creation itself is the creator. Kindly correct me if I am wrong. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Laxmi Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- Unimaginable God is Purusha because He merges and lies pervading the beautiful body of the first energetic incarnation. The meaning of the word Purusha itself is this only (Puri śete iti Puruṣaḥ). Puri= in the body of God Datta, Śete= the unimaginable God is lying by pervading all over the body. This is the meaning of word Purusha. This body of God Datta is the Adiparaashakti, which was created by the Purusha or unimaginable God before creating this world. Now, God Datta is the unimaginable God or Purusha or mediated God, who is a mixture of Purusha and Adiparaashakti. God Datta is not different from the pure Purusha or unimaginable God (non-mediated God) in anyway since God Datta is the permanent residential address of the pure unimaginable God. Now, we can say that God Datta created all this rest creation. God Datta means non-mediated God (Unimaginable God) or the mediated God.

The unimaginable God creates the creation and since unimaginable God means God Datta, it is one and the same whether you say that the unimaginable God (Purusha) created this creation or you say that the mediated God Datta (mixture of Purusha and Adiparaashakti) created this creation. Since the unimaginable God is merged with the body of God Datta in homogeneous way like gold and copper mix to form a single solid solution, you can not differentiate Adiparaashakti or body of God Datta and the unimaginable God merged with it (Purusha). Hence, God Datta (in the sense of unimaginable God or Purusha) and Adiparaashakti (body of God Datta) are exactly one and the same since both will never be separated. This Adiparaashakti confined to God Datta is different from the rest Adiparaashakti (this creation) that is created by God Datta. Both the body of God Datta and this creation are one and the same in the sense that both are created items. But, both are different because the body of God Datta is specially beautiful than the rest creation. Suppose you have cooked some items of food.

Let us assume that one item is specially tasteful. All the items are cooked by you only and this is the commonality (Adiparaashakti) of all the cooked items. But, there is difference between the special tasteful item and the rest items. The difference is due to the special taste present in the special item (which is God Datta containing merged unimaginable God) and the rest items (creation) in which the unimaginable God is not merged and all pervading. Due to this, omnipresence of God is not accepted in literal sense. It is accepted in effective sense only in the angle that God Datta knows everything (omniscience) of the creation due to His omnipotence even though He is not present everywhere.
