Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Oct 2021


English »   Malayalam »  

Is the creation itself the creator?

Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: Mother Amrutaanandamayii says that creation is creator. Swami! Please give me true analysis of this statement.

Swami Replied:- There are three types of souls:- 1) Demonic souls hating the human incarnation of God, 2) Human souls unable to recognise the divine human incarnation and 3) Divine souls recognising the human form of God. The first category of souls is failures in Spiritual line because even if they identify the human form of God, they oppose human incarnation due to immense ego based jealousy. The second category of souls are passed with just pass marks because they don’t identify the specific divine soul in the humanity and they serve the entire humanity so that the human form of God is also served. This category of people is like swallowing all types of tablets in the medical shop since they are unable to choose the specific medicine for their specific disease. The third type of souls is angels, who identify the human incarnation and serve Him through total surrender. The second category of souls only says that every soul is God and to serve any soul is service to God and hence, creation is creator. This second type is far better than the first type, which insults the human incarnation. Majority of the people belong to this second type only and hence, Mother supports the second type in the interest of majority of people, who are better than the first type. If every soul is God, why Gopikas selected Krishna only and even cheated their family members, who are all God? Why Prahlaada could not find God in his own father? The third type of people is a gold medallist!
