Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 26 May 2021


Can we say that people do not change whatever be the effort of incarnation?

[Question raised in internet discussion forum through Shri Anil]

[Kṛṣṇa was not able to stop the war (may be it was His will) by making Duryodhana/ Śakuni etc. realise that they are doing Adharma, so does this mean no matter how much You try You cannot change the world and people's toxic mindset?]

Swāmi Replied:- God has given freedom to the souls and the merit and sin are acquired by the souls through their qualities and deeds functioning in a full free atmosphere. There are sinners, who were reformed by the preaching of a spiritual preacher and there are sinners, who did not change at all in spite of hearing the spiritual preaching of even God in human form. All this is to be understood on the basis of freedom given by God to the souls. Hence, the omniscient God knows the future, but, will not interfere with the future. If He does not preach a particular sinner due to God’s knowledge of future, that sinner will object the punishment in hell saying that he did not receive the spiritual preaching and will claim that he might have been reformed had he was preached. In order to avoid this, God preaches every sinner giving an opportunity to change.
