Shri Datta Swami

 25 May 2009


All other Gods offer to forgive the prarabdhas (results of past deeds) of their devotees. What is Your offer for Your beloved devotees?

Swami replied:- Punishment given for a sin is only to change the mind of the soul and purify it. There is no trace of revenge in this. Hell is an indication of the intense love of God for the souls and through hell, God wants to reform the souls. Hell indicates the hectic effort of God put on the soul to reform it and not to leave the soul to its fate. A father may leave his son since he does not change inspite of all his efforts. But in the hell, God puts serious effort and succeeds to change the soul. Therefore, even thousands of fathers cannot be equal to God. God does not leave the soul without changing it and this point is indicated by the punishment and hell. Therefore, there is no point of excusing the Prarabhdas if this true basis is understood. God will try to change the soul through preaching as far as possible. Punishment in hell is the last resort. Once the soul is reformed, all the sins are smashed since there is neither the necessity of preaching nor the necessity of punishment.
