Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 10 Feb 2022


Can we worship God on behalf of a suffering person?

[Shri Anil asked: Swami, You mentioned that “When a person becomes sick and is unable to perform the ritual of worship to God (Sandhyāvandanam), he can request other person to do the same on his behalf and get its fruit through mutual consent”. This rule is applicable for the meritorious deed of worshiping God. Can we extend this rule for the case of a suffering person who is suffering due to his/her past sin; so that by mutual consent the suffering can be taken by other person? Why is this not applicable and not happening in real life?]

Swami replied: The facility mentioned is applicable only in performing prayers to God in inevitable circumstances. This cannot be extended to any other side since the rule itself has its own confined boundaries.
