Shri Datta Swami

 30 Sep 2024


Can we say that suffering in worldly life is inevitable for even close disciples of Human Incarnation also?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: All the disciples of Jesus had unnatural deaths. So, can we say that suffering in worldly life is inevitable for even close disciples of Human Incarnation also? But in spite of such suffering, are they accepting their bad karma (without aspiration of removal of suffering) and still practically serving God or not is the only point that makes a soul a real true devotee and wins the heart of God?]

Swami replied:- Suffering the results of bad actions is an inevitable aspect of the cycle of deeds. Even if suffering is removed by God, it is only postponed to a later date to enjoy the result with accumulated interest. In the extreme cases of devotees, God suffers in the place of those climax devotees. The first case is not wise because the interest is to be paid unnecessarily. The second case is also not justified because no real devotee shall aspire that God shall suffer his/her punishments. A wise devotee is always prepared to suffer the punishments as early as possible without connecting them to the devotion to God. Aspiring the suffering to be cancelled by God is not only unjust but also exposes the false devotion of the devotee. The result of deeds can never be cancelled by God since He always follows the policy of protection of justice. If your devotion to God is only to remove your suffering that is obtained through your sins, then your devotion to God is not real and totally false because your devotion is not based on the true love to God aspiring for no result in return. Hence, the final conclusion is that your devotion to God must be based on your true love to God that is born due to your personal attraction to His divine personality. In the light of this final conclusion, the devotee must revise himself/herself to a great extent.

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