Shri Datta Swami

 06 Feb 2022


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Can You show a scriptural authority that in the case of Gopikas, only the love transformed lust exists?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You explained that in the case of Gopikas, only the love transformed lust exists and not the hormonal based lust transformed lust. This explanation is excellent. For this concept can You also show some authority so that people based on scriptural authority will also have complete satisfaction?]

Swami Replied:- In fact, the spiritual knowledge that is coming out of this Datta Swami is the direct knowledge coming out from God Datta, Who is the author of all the Vedas. There is no need for searching a better authority than this knowledge coming out from Me. There are two sutras said by Sage Naarada giving the above concept. This concept is written by Sage Naarada by the grace of God Datta only. It is fantastic that the scriptural authority for the knowledge of God Datta is the meaning of these two sutras which were written by Sage Naarada by the grace of God Datta! However, since everybody need not believe that God Datta Himself is speaking this knowledge, the scriptural authority from Sage Naarada also becomes essential. I shall explain these two sutras:-

1) Tatrāpi na māhātmya jñāna vismṛtyapavādaḥ:- In the case of Gopikas, who participated in lust with God Krishna, the Gopikas never forgot that Krishna was God. This means, the lust of Gopikas was based on their continuous devotion for God Krishna, meaning that they were always aware that Krishna was God Datta and not a human being. This means that, the lust of Gopikas towards Krishna was the love (devotion) that transformed into lust. This means, the continuous chain of lustful activities of Gopikas towards Krishna contained only the sweet devotion towards God and not the hormonal based lust found among human beings and other animals and birds.

 2) Tadvihīnaṃ jārāṇāmiva:- At least, during the time of lustful activities, had Gopikas forgotten that Krishna was God and had they felt Krishna as human being, then, the whole lustful activity of Gopikas would have been certainly the illegal lustful activity of human beings. Generally, during the time of emotional lustful activity, people forget God and other spiritual matters. But, here, in the case of Gopikas, such lust did not exist at all because these Gopikas were divine sages, who burnt their lust in the devotional fire to God called as penance for several previous births. Hence, there is no possibility of such lust arising in the situation of dance of Krishna with Gopikas at Brundavanam. Due to the presence of awareness of God and due to the continuous burning devotional fire in the hearts of sages born as Gopikas, such blind lust has no place at all.

The concept told by Me clearly is stated in the above two sutras. The conclusion of these two sutras is that the lust between Krishna and Gopikas is not the hormonal based illegitimate sex. Here, one doubt may come, which is that why the second sutra mentions illegitimate sex and not legitimate sex. Why the sutra is not written mentioning the legitimate sex like Tadvihīnaṃ dampatyoriva? In both the cases, the blind lust is possible. The sutra should have mentioned that if the devotion was absent in the lust of Gopikas, it would have been the lust among couples having legitimate sex. The reason is that  illegitimate sex is always more powerful than legitimate sex. The reason is that legitimate sex has no force of opposition whereas, illegitimate sex has a lot of force of opposition from all sides in the society. Here, the devotion of Gopikas towards Krishna is very high, which is transformed into very high lust. Hence, the illegal sex is taken as the comparison. Even in such powerful illegitimate sex of Gopikas with Krishna, there is no trace of illegitimate sin since Krishna is God and not a human being. Hence, all the points shown by Me in this concept of love (devotion) transformed lust, which is not lust transformed lust, can be seen from the meaning of the above two bhakti sutras of Sage Naarada.

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