Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 Nov 2022


Could You please explain the meaning of my following experience?

[Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K asked: Once while I was reading Vishnu sahasra Nama in Ramalayam, my eyes were closed automatically, I went to a state like trans, in that I had experienced I sat before Goddess Bala Tripura Sundari , a blue ray and a white ray jointly passed from the starting point of my backbone to the middle of the head, after ten minutes I came out. Could You please explain the meaning of this? Pada namaskaram Swami.]

Swami replied:- The white ray represents Balatripura Sundari, who is also called as Gowri. Gowri means white colour. Blue colour represents tamas and actually Vishnu is also white originally (ref.:- Śuklavarṇaṃ caturbhujam— Skaanda Puraanam, Revaa Khandam) because Vishnu represents Sattvam quality, which is white in colour. Hence, Vishnu and Gowri being brother and sister have the same colour or blood in their bodies. But, Vishnu needed the tamas quality of Shiva for the sake of His worldly administration. Shiva also has no need of violent tamas till the final destruction of the world and needed only Sattvam to be in the state of meditation. Hence, Vishnu and Shiva exchanged their qualities or colours and Vishnu became blue while Shiva became white in colour. Hence, the blue and white rays represent Vishnu and Shakti since both are one and the same. Shakti is also blue (or black) in colour as Mahaakaali and we can say that both brother and sister have the same blood as colour. Both these brother and sister often participate in tamas to destroy demons. The essence is that Vishnu and Gowri and Shakti are one and the same. God Shiva represents Father with masculine qualities and Vishnu represents the Mother with feminine tender qualities. Brahma being born from the lotus or uterus rising from navel region becomes the son of both these parents. There are several points to prove that God Shiva is Father and God Vishnu is Mother (God Vishnu decorated with several jewels and took the form of Mohini, who became the wife of God Shiva to deliver a son called Manikantha, this is the main point).
