Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Aug 2022


Please explain the meaning of my recent dream.

[Smt. Chhanda asked: In continuation of the above question, I want to know the meaning of a dream which came two days back. I saw that I am there with You for some time and I am very happy with it. Then suddenly a moment comes when I cannot keep my happiness within and tears start coming from my eyes before You. Seeing this, You give a very sweet smile and running Your fingers softly on my head. Then I sit on Your lap like a baby and I enter slowly within You with a smile. And my dream is over. I am feeling blessed thinking about it. At Your divine lotus feet, Chhanda.]

Swami Replied:- Dreams are generally the reflections of our thoughts in the awaken state. Sometimes, some strong feelings of the previous birth also come as dreams. All such dreams are of no use and need not be analysed because they are related to the worldly life and not to spiritual life. Brahma Sutram (Sandhye sṛṣṭi rāhahi) says that apart from these worldly affairs, God also uses the dreams as His medium to convey some spiritual message to you. Such divine dreams are good and help you in your spiritual progress.
