Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Jan 2024


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Did Yashoda, who loved God Krishna in the climax, go to Goloka?

[A question by Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Swami replied:- Since Krishna was her own son, she could not be tested by the joint test of bond with child and bond with wealth (butter). Since she was the mother of Krishna, she could not be tested in the bond with spouse. Due to the test of bond with spouse, Gopikas involved in sweet devotion (Madhura Bhakti) alone could go to Goloka. Some say that even Kubja went to Goloka. It is also wrong because she was Shurpanakhaa reborn as Kubja. She was having demonic lust towards Rama and was not having any devotion-love to God and hence, she was completely out of the context. Krishna met with her due to His infinite kindness. Moreover, she got a boon from God Shiva that she would meet the same Rama reborn as Krishna in the next birth. To fulfill the boon of God Shiva, Krishna obliged her as Kubja. At the end, Yashoda went to Vaikuntha loka (abode of God) and Kubja went to hell due to her demonic nature.
