Shri Datta Swami

 01 Apr 2024


Divine experiences of Ms. Mohini, Ms. Geetha and Ms. Swathika

Jai Guru Datta Swami

Guru Datta Shri Datta Prabhu Datta

[Pretext: - Swami’s 77th Birthday Satsang happened in the small apartment of Ms. Mohini, Ms. Geetha and Ms. Swathika at Hyderabad. This miraculous experience is presented by Ms. Geetha]

Paadanamaskaaram Swami,

Thank You so much, Swami, for blessing us with this divine opportunity to share the unimaginable experiences You have blessed us recently. With Your blessings and permission, we would like to share the experiences You have blessed us during the preparations for the Divine Satsang conducted on 24th Feb 2024.

Thank You, Swami, for giving such a beautiful experience of hosting Your 77th birthday celebrations. That was an unimaginable experience You have bestowed on us, who are the most undeserving and defective souls. The whole event became successful only because of Your grace. We felt Your strong presence, guidance, unimaginable kindness and infinite love throughout the journey. 

It all started with Swami’s Datta Jayanti message, where Swami has stressed on the importance of Satsang and practising Swami’s knowledge. It is most important thing to be done by us to please God. Swami also stressed on the importance of avoiding unnecessary spending of money during Sankranti Satsang.

We three of us were thinking about these points, which Swami has been continuously preaching us. But, to practice Swami’s knowledge was difficult for all three of us individually in different ways. Sister Mohini was thinking and desperately wished to stay near Swami and to be with devotees so that she can learn spiritual knowledge from devotees, discuss about it and simultaneously practice it by learning many things, which are useful in Swami’s service like video making etc. Sister Swathika was thinking about the point, which Swami continuously stressed about spending money wisely without wasting, while I was desperately wishing and thinking to practice Swami’s knowledge, which I’m unable to do because of my own defects.

After Sankranthi Satsang, Sister Thrylokya came to know that three of us were staying at different hostels in Hyderabad and each of us were paying high fees (around Rs.9,000/-) every month. She suggested an idea of renting a small apartment and staying together to avoid the wastage of money. Later, we three of us discussed and asked Swami whether we could stay together. With Swami’s permission, we started searching for a house in old Malakpet, which majorly contains Muslim residents.

While searching for the house, I have seen the houses, which were very old, raw, uncongenial and without any ventilation. After searching for 10-12 houses, I decided to leave for the day and continue the search on next day. I was dejected, thinking that it may be very difficult to find a good house with proper ventilation, near to both metro station and hospital (as Sister Mohini and Sister Swathika need metro to commute to their IT companies while I can walk to work at the Yashoda Hospital, Old Malakpet).

While going back to my hostel, exactly behind my hostel, I saw “Annapurna Nilayam” board hinting that there may be a house here, which satisfies all our requirements. I enquired with one person and he said there is no vacant house available for rent. I was about to start back sadly, but suddenly, he called me and enquired all the details regarding my profession. After that, he directed me to a building, where there is a vacant 1 BHK house available for rent. After talking to owners, they proceeded to show me the house. As soon as the entrance door was opened, there was a beautiful wall paper containing three images of Lord Shri Krishna in baby form.

On seeing this beautiful image of Lord Shri Krishna, I was relieved and thought that finally, Swami has showed one house, which is exactly fulfilling all our requirements along with a very reasonable rent of Rs.6500/- per month. When we discussed about this house with sister Thrylokya, she was amazed that it is impossible to get such a house with all facilities just for low rent in this area. After her reassurance, we three of us visited the house. We felt that it was like Swami’s home and we all liked it. In such area, where Muslim community lives in majority, we were thrilled to find that the house, which is owned by a Brahmin family and that too, beside the temple of Lord Hanuman. We were amazed to know that our neighbours and owners are also devotees of God Datta. We were very happy that Swami has given His devotees as our neighbours. 

We asked Swami whether we can move to that house and on which day we can move. Swami replied that the very next day is very auspicious. With Swami’s permission and blessings, we moved to the house by paying advance on the next day itself. As we entered the home, all 3 of us strongly felt the presence and protection of Swami with us. That day, while listening to the online weekend Satsang in the house, we 3 of us strongly felt that Swami was with us.

Here, we would like to share some of the incidents, where we have experienced Swami’s unimaginable love. We were just planning to list out the necessary items to buy for the house. Surprisingly, the devotees, one after the other, started giving the items needed for the kitchen, saying that those are unused extra items. In no time, all the kitchen vessels were given by the Swami’s devotees. There was no necessity to purchase even a single vessel and any other thing for the house. Such is the love of the Swami, which cannot be expressed in words. Thanks a ton, to Swami, who gave everything even without asking. There is a saying in Telugu “Adaganide Amma ainaa annam pettadu” (If you don’t ask, even mother will not give you food). But, our beloved Swami has taken care of all our needs and that too without even asking for it. It clearly proves that Swami’s love is totally incomparable to any of the worldly bonds we possess.

After moving to the house, we started doing every household work assuming that, if Swami visits the house one day, we should be able to serve Him in every possible way. This thought has made every task most enjoyable. We learnt many things, which we have never learnt in our lifetime. Swami has been teaching us as a loving Divine Mother and a strict Divine Father.

As Swami’s birthday was about to come, we wished to ask Swami to visit our house and give us divine opportunity to serve Swami on that auspicious day. Sister Mohini strongly believed that Swami was going to come and bless us. As per our wish, although we all felt we were undeserving, we dared to ask Swami to visit our house on His Birthday. Our beloved Swami, out of His unimaginable kindness and love, said that He will think about it. This word of Swami has boosted our energy. We three of us started cooking and started doing all other household works with utmost attention. We were totally immersed in the thought that He was going to come. His love has brought such a change in three of us that we did not feel any pain in doing any kind of household work, which we were not used to do previously. His love made our experience very special! Thank You, Swami! You have changed our mind from a miserable state to a blissful state with the same external environment. 

Suddenly, on one day, Swami confirmed that this year, Swami’s Birthday is going to happen in our house. Oh my God! The Universal Star!!!! Universal Hero!!! Unimaginable God Datta is going to come to our house on His Birthday!!!!!!! The Contemporary Human Incarnation, Paripuurna Tamah Avataara is going to come to our home!!!!! This is really unimaginable!!!!!! Being immersed in these thoughts of Swami, there was no boundary to our happiness! 

Only 2 weeks was left over for the preparation to be made for Swami’s birthday Satsang and celebrations. We wanted to celebrate Swami’s Birthday in such a way that Swami should be pleased. But, we didn’t have any knowledge about where to buy certain necessary things. Exactly from that moment, Swami used to send some instructions through His devotees at perfect timing so that we started arranging things for the Satsang slowly. Only due to Swami’s unimaginable grace, from that day, devotees started helping by bringing huge things like Swami’s chair, banner, teapoy, cot, etc. Daily, we used to hear an important message from one or the other devotee regarding serving Swami. Observing all those devotees, we witnessed and learned how a Swami’s servant should behave and how one should serve Swami, especially from Shri Phani Sir, Sister Thrylokya, Brother Kishore Ram, Brother Nithin, Brother Abhiram, Brother Hrishikesh, Sudha Rani Aunty, R Anita Aunty, Sister Bhanu Samaikya, etc. We used to observe how Swami’s servant should speak and work for Swami. In this way, Swami has taught us many lessons in those 2 weeks through His devotees. We were able to feel Swami’s love, presence and guidance while doing all the arrangements for Swami. 

Only because of Your grace, while doing preparations for the live Satsang, we were able to learn the most difficult things like audio set up and video recording through Swami’s devotees like Shri Phani Sir, Shri Nikhil Sir, Brother Kishore Ram, Raja Sir, Brother Veena Datta, Brother Bharath Krishna and were very happy because though we don’t deserve, though we are highly defective, Swami was using us for the greatest service that we can ever do i.e., service to contemporary Human Incarnation of God. We clearly understood that because of Swami’s love, grace and karuna, we were given Swami’s work but not at all due to our capacity. 

Here, we would like to share some of the divine experiences blessed by Swami out of His love, even though all 3 of us are undeserving.

  • After confirmation with Swami, we prepared to move to the home the very next day. That day, I have called Anita Aunty to know what are the procedures to be done while moving into a new house. Due to Swami's grace, Anita Aunty immediately said that she was having one large size Lord Datta's photo and will give us if we want to take. That moment, I really felt that it was Swami's blessing for us to move to the new house, and also felt as His assurance that He will be there with us all the time. Such a loving entity our Swami is. Even after knowing everything about us and our inherent selfish nature, our never-ending desires, only Lord Datta alone can love and protect us to such an extent so selflessly. That is why, He is called as Lord Datta, who knows only giving. Be it love, care, protection, what not? Everything.
  • When we were planning to get a cooking gas stove along with a gas cylinder, without knowing the process clearly, Swami graced us again, through Anita Aunty and Sudha Aunty, who started enquiring about the gas connection even before we asked them. Swami has immediately provided a single burner gas stove through Sudha aunty for our temporary use. I didn't experience this kind of care in my life time. We understood that only Lord Datta and His devotees are our true family through that incident.
  • As the gas stove is most essential kitchenware, we enquired about the procedure and things required to be done in order to get the gas stove and cylinder. The registration office timings are 9 am to 5 pm. As my duty timings were also the same, I was bothered about how to approach them within those timings. Suddenly, on one day, I got late for my duty because of unexpected household work. To get permission to come 2hrs late for the duty itself is very difficult during the morning duty period for a Duty Medical Officer (DMO) like me. To get leave on the same day without prior intimation is even more difficult because they have to replace me with another DMO. But that day, it was Swami's Leela! As soon as I asked for leave, they gave me leave! Immediately, I rushed to the registration office and filled the form. I asked the person in charge, whether they can give me the gas stove and entire equipment on that day itself because I would not be able to come again the next day to take the entire equipment after registration confirmation as my duty timings were exactly overlapping. After requesting him, he gave me the entire equipment on that day itself. The miraculous thing here is that without confirmation of registration, stove and other equipment are not given to the customers at all. But, we were given everything even without documents, confirmation and with bare minimum formalities done. I was literally shocked experiencing that incident, seeing how Swami is taking care of me, be it my profession, be it the house hold work. Swami, I cannot pay back even an iota, which You are giving to me. Only way is to serve You without any aspiration until this creation ends.
  • After knowing that Swami is going to come to our House on His birthday, we were actually worried about Swami’s lunch. We did not want to make Him suffer with our undelicious cooking skills. We know that Swami accepts and enjoys whatever devotees offer with pure love. But, our omniscient Swami, knows our worry beforehand and relieved us from great anxiety by His divine arrangement. We received a message that Sister Purnima and Sister Swathi will come and cook Swami’s lunch on His Birthday. We were very happy that Swami will definitely have a good lunch on His birthday since everyone knows that sister Purnima and sister Swathi cooks most delicious food and pleases Swami all the time. We understood that it was all His divine play to make sure that our mind doesn’t suffer because of our own incapability.
  • One week before Swami's Birthday, Brother Abhiram brought a new teapoy for Swami but it needs manual fixing. Brother Nithin and other devotees tried but failed to fix it due to lack of correct instruments and expertise. The next day, we called one electrician for fixing fans and tube light. He was doing that work and we were randomly trying to fix the teapoy. Surprisingly, the electrician got to see the teapoy, found it interesting and started fixing the teapoy all by himself. We told him that appropriate instruments are needed to fix it. To our surprise, he possessed all the apt instruments, which were required and completed the work in very short time. He was so happy to that work and didn’t charge us anything for it. Then, we understood that Swami already knows, whom to send for each specific kind of work and that is why He is omniscient. Every soul is mere inert instrument in His divine hand.
  • There was only one day left for Swami's Birthday, but still, Swami's Birthday banner was not arranged perfectly. On that day, Sister Bhanu Samaikya came to assist us in arranging Birthday banner and help us with other works. But, even after trying many times, the banner was getting folds in between so that Swami's photos on the banner were not visible clearly in the video. Immediately, we started praying Lord Hanuman by singing Sankata mochana bhajan. In the very next attempt, banner got arranged without a single fold. 
  • Actually, Sister Bhanu told us that on the previous day before she came to our house, she was suffering with severe backache. But, on the day she came to our house for Swami's work, her backache was gone and she could come very happily. We felt that it is purely Swami's love that whenever a devotee tries to do Swami's work, Swami’s apaara karuna is making that person work for Swami. Even though we have many problems, Swami is keeping them away so that we will be able to work for Him happily. Your love is totally unimaginable, Swami.

Finally, the most awaited Swami's Birthday has come. We were totally engaged in helping sisters Purnima and Swathi for preparing Swami’s lunch. All of us forgot to have breakfast. But, Swami did not forget that. Due to Swami's love alone, we got breakfast through brother Nithin and he also brought medicine for sister Mohini's illness and made sure the she will be active during Satsang. Even our own father or mother or any other bond in this world cannot take care of us like You, Swami.

We thought that there would be a prior intimation when Swami is going to arrive at our house so that we can go down and receive Him. Suddenly, without any prior intimation, our Swami entered the house and surprised us. We were literally shocked and didn’t know what to do next, other than doing Paadanamaskaram to Swami, as our mind was blocked. The moment when Swami silently came into the house was the most beautiful moment we experienced. We didn’t know how to welcome God, how to serve God and we are not capable of doing anything. But out of His unimaginable kindness, He came and took our defective services happily.

Swathika was wishing to get an autograph from Swami and our beloved Swami, Brahmaanda Naayaka, the Ultimate Lord Datta has fulfilled her wish by giving an autograph named as “Datta Swamy” on back side of Swami’s photo decorated as God Datta. It was very enlightening moment for us because Swami gave the autograph as ‘Datta Swamy’ instead of ‘Sri Venugopala Krishna Murthy’, indicating that He Himself is the Contemporary Human Incarnation of God Datta. Later, all the devotees shared the service of serving food to Swami. Then, we requested Swami to take rest for some time before the beginning of live Satsang. Sister Mohini was feeling sad for not being able to serve Swami personally, as she was involved in live Satsang preparations. But, within a fraction of a second after she had such thought, Swami blessed her with His personal service and she got a chance put a blanket on Swami’s feet while He took rest. 

Swami usually takes normal paan (betel leaf with some herbs, without sweet and lime stone powder) after having lunch. So, paan was brought for Swami, but, Swami didn't have the paan after the lunch. So, sister Bhanu took them and placed them in the kitchen without anyone noticing it. But, at the end of Satsang, Swami asked sister Bhanu, “Where is my paan?”. She became very happy and told to Swami that it is kept in the kitchen by her. Then, Swami said, “Since you have kept it in the kitchen, I am asking you only”.  Listening to this, we were very happy and understood that only God, who is omniscient can know everything. After taking paan, Swami asked whether there were any mirchi bajji left. But, after Swami had lunch, we distributed the remaining mirchi bajji to the devotees while Swami was taking rest. We were feeling sad that nothing was left over. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sister Swathi found exactly one mirchi bajji in the kitchen. Then, we were all very happy that we were able to serve what Swami asked for. We understood that when God wishes for any item, it manifests just by the will of the Lord. 

I was wishing to sing Sri Venkateshwara Paahimaam bhajan to Swami, as it was a Saturday. The Unimaginable God Datta present in Sri Venkateshwara Swami Himself has listened to the bhajan fulfilling my innermost desire of singing before Lord Venkateshwara Swami Himself.

Actually, that day, each one of Your devotees, with their limited capacities, has become the hosts in pleasing You, Swami. We were not even capable of being defective inert instruments and we were only spectators enjoying Your wonderful leelas and learnt many lessons for lifetime. We understood that, Swami is the ultimate Doer. Thank You, Swami, for giving us such a blissful experience and making us learn these many important lessons through You directly and through Your devotees indirectly. This Datta Jayanthi day will be the most memorable day in our lives, Swami. We keep praying You to come again and again, Swami. Swami, please bless us to have this beautiful bond with You eternally.


Jai Guru Datta Swami,

Ms. Mohini, Ms. Geetha and Ms. Swathika.

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